Part 6 : Too Dark To Be Alone

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Graciously, they had managed to find some food around a food service in the airport. It wasn't expired so it was a good thing they found it in time.

"Finally, some food..." Kido mumbled, about to offer a bite to Kano only to realize he didn't need such a substance any longer.

It was kind of depressing.

All Kano did was patiently watch her, not as hunched over as he had been all this time, feeling more human every day.

It was odd.

Then it clicked that their simple moment together that day, would shift the next morning, to where Kido was missing.

'Where could she have gone...?'

Kano proceeded to slip from the plane, rushing into the airport building with his lazy limp, spotting Kido with a weed whacker and swinging it at the undead that surrounded her.

Rushing over, Kano pushes away the undead after he made Kido place down the weapon of choice.


She said in surprise only to shield her, as Kano watches his friend beg him to eat her, to feast upon her flesh and brains.

All Kano did was shake his head in response.


The elder undead kept trying to convince Kano, but the blonde took a firm hold of Kido's hand at the sudden appearance of the bonies, as he brings her throughout the airport as fast he could carry his feet.

They ignored many of the in dazed undead that stared at them as the lone boned being chased them to a door, thankfully the heavy-built door shut behind them as they ran out.

What they were met with was the elder undead as he encouraged them to come along with him, Kido dumbfounded as Kano made his way toward the luggage cart. "Kano, what are you doing? You c-"

"T-trust me..." Kano managed to say, "Good... friend."

Seemingly convinced for now, Kido made her way towards the small-like vehicle as they're taken to the inner parking lot, only to get off and move into a car.

Neither one of them could drive, but it didn't matter since they needed to leave the airport as quick as possible. A bit away, the undead watched the two drive off, a faint beat coming to each of their hearts, as the rain fell from the cloudy sky above.

They didn't know where they were headed, only that they would have to find shelter due to the freezing rain that soaked their clothing. Kano couldn't feel the temperature let alone any pain, so it didn't affect him as much as it did Kido.

After ditching the car in the street, he followed Kido into an abandoned and dusty home, looking around curiously as she lit candles in numerous places.

"I miss listening to my iPod... and the wonderful music the artist made." Kido suddenly said unconsciously, which made her rather flustered since Kano was staring at her. "D-don't look at me like that, idiot!"

Feeling his heart beat for a single moment, made a bit of color return to his face. At least he was able to feel this much, a faint taste of being human, and the emotions that come along with it.

"Well, I'm tired and I want to go to bed upstairs but... I don't want to be alone. Will you sleep with me? On the floor, of course." She asked minutes after looking around the home, still rather flustered as she made her way upstairs to lay in bed.

Kano did follow her, laying on the bare flooring only to hear her mumble a 'don't look', noticing her removing her clothing.

'I shouldn't be looking, I mean she's just taking off the top layers of her clothing but...'

Immediately after, Kano looked away once she laid down in bed, able to hear her drift to sleep from her heavy breathing. He really did hope that he could get her home soon, knowing she didn't want to be around him any longer.

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