Part 7 : Uninhibitedness

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Who knew he would wake to find the one person, the only one he had stuck with all this time, gone? Well Kano surely didn't know till he searched the non-vacant home.

The abode felt lifeless, dull, and gray without the olivette around. Little had he known, was that she took the car with her and drove around town towards where her home is.

In the midst of driving in a lane that held empty vehicles, the car ran out of gas, and Kido was left to get out and walk the rest of the way. It wasn't something she was used to but would have to deal with it.

As her rundown sneakers touched the hard asphalt of the road, the olivette slams the car door shut with an exasperated sigh. "Here we go..."

Along the way, she surreptitiously hid from the undead and dodged numerous attacks, since it was more or less difficult to kill them without seeing Kano's face in her mind. The entire way back all she could think about was him. His undead face, the dull look in his eyes, and how his posture was terrible now.

A feeling of anticipation and anxiety rose up within her throat, causing it to ache in response, and with slow deep breathes Kido continued her way back home. The Base. Where she needed to be with her remaining family.

Finally for what seemed like countless hours, Kido runs her palm along the doorframe of the apartments front door.


How that number seemed so simple now to her, a number that held memories and joyous laughter; even sorrow and pain. The sudden thought of Seto flashed through her mind, causing her to tear up.

How in the hell am I supposed to explain this them? To Mary?' Kido knew the medusa adored- no, loved the male and this surely would be hard on her just as it had been for herself.

Finally opening the apartment door with a soft creak of the hinges, Kido thoroughly looks around to find it not so vacant as she wanted it to be. "Where is..."

Then it clicked.

The others must've left to look for her and Seto when they hadn't come back for those few days. "Damn it!" Slamming her closed palm against the wall beside her, Kido checks to see if there was possibly a note or someone who stayed behind, but found nothing.

Seems she had to set out to meet up with the remaining group; where ever they may be. Kido set foot outside yet again but to find her comrades, her family, this time. Making her way down the apartment steps, Kido stops the moment she recalls something important."

They must've took a vehicle and went to where the group was for supplies; where Seto was attacked."

It made logical sense in this case, as Kido moves to the alleyway to see Kano's rundown motorcycle she insisted he didn't buy. Seeing it however made a smile come to her lips, noticing the key in the ignition, as she gets on and cranks it up. The engine roared to life as she grips the handles firmly, fingers delicately resting on the brake for safety measures.

Gladly, Kano had a full tank of gas.

With a moment of acceleration, Kido fastened the helmet over her head that had been resting behind her, before she took off to find her family; minus Kano.

[KanoKido] : Undead CryWhere stories live. Discover now