Part 8 : Alterable

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It was as if something was missing from inside.
Inside his chest it felt hollow without a doubt.

Where had she gone?
Where had Kido disappeared to?

Kano searched every possible room in the empty abode, tossing blankets and chairs till he walked outside in the drizzling rain to see the car gone.

'She's gone...'

Deciding to head back into town, the rain began to come down much harder than before, causing his clothing to stick to his cold skin.

'I'm cold... wait, zombies aren't supposed to be cold, right?'

It made no sense as he slips his arms around himself, shivering as kano continued his walk along the asphalt, passing numerous empty vehicles along the way.

Finally by the time the sun rose and the rain stopped, Kano's clothing had dried so he wasn't as cold, only to notice the undead that he befriended from the airport a bit away.

They all had decided to meet beneath a bridge if anything were to occur between him and Kido. Casually making his way over to them, Kano felt as if he was able to stand upright like a normal human being by now, it was odd but in a good way.

His fluctuating footsteps stopped the moment he came mere meters apart from the undead friend he possessed. A question soon arose from the others pale lips after a faint grunt.

"S-she gone?"

Kano responded with a slow nod, "Y-Yeah."

The elder undead shook his head with a sigh before smirking, "Bitches man..."

But Kano was eager to find Kido again, as he looks around at the others before he looks down. "I-I want to f-find her. Please... won't you all help me?" He asked of the others, receiving grunts of approval as the elder looks him in the eye.

"T-they said... fuck yeah."

With a smile, Kano and the others began their long, slow, journey into the deeper part of the closest city to find Kido. Little did they know she wasn't even where they would find her at, considering how she was riding on the remaining fuel of Kano's motorcycle.

"Half a tank left..." The olivette mumbles to herself, only to spot the members of the remaining dan a bit away, coming to a stopping point. Spotting Seto with them, alive and well, made tears stream down her face as she moves off the motorcycle and rushes toward them.

The moment she was close enough, Kido nearly tackles Seto to the concrete, tears streaming down her cheeks since she thought it was all for naught. "T-Thank goodness you're alive..." Pinching his cheek, she sniffles and moves to her feet, pulling him up in the process.

"Now, why are you all outside?"

Shintaro was the one to speak, "We were out looking for you and to tell you th-" Yet he was cut off by an enthusiastic medusa. "W-We can cure all the zombies! A-ah I mean, undead... so Hibiya and Kano can be n-normal again!" Mary squeaked out, cheeks flustered beyond normality.

It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, her body as light as a feather while it swayed amongst the wind, causing Kido to smile for the first time in a long time. "This is... amazing news."

Then she realized how she had left Kano all alone when she could've simply saved him right then and there; and his temperature had been increased and language as well lately.

Less grunting, more life to his eyes.

"We have to find Hibiya and then Kano. It's apparent that human contact and warmth can change them back to normal." Kido explains before she moves to a van nearby, checking it to find the keys in the ignition.

"Okay! Everyone get in the van, I'll stay on the motorcycle."

Hopefully this would be the last thing she had to do in order to save Hibiya and Kano, first thing first: find them and then change them back somehow.

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