Chapter 38 | Where Dreams come true

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The silence is thick with tension and anxious anticipation as the Dawn Treader glides through the darkened water

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The silence is thick with tension and anxious anticipation as the Dawn Treader glides through the darkened water. The lanterns lit around the ship glow bravely yet can't compete against the hungry swirl of the nebula that swallows every shimmer of light, may it be a mere spark. As the Narnian ship folded the sails and was rowed onward to face the Dark Island with careful strokes, they realized this isn't – in fact – an island per se. Apart from scattered rocks cutting through the sea's surface it consists of nothing but water and clouds. The latter build some sort of dome, letting no sunlight through nor allow a peek at the sky.

» Fly! Fly, I said! Why aren't you heeding my warning? « These words are cried by the man they heaved aboard a few minutes into this mystery. He struggles to stay upright, emaciated as he must be. To say he looks wild would be an understatement. His hair is an untidy mop of grey and white, his face dirty, and his clothes mere wet rags clinging to his thin form. His eyes, however, are terrifying: Opened so widely the eyelids can barely be seen, bloodshot and holding an expression of exhaustion and terror, of pure fear that strikes Luna deep into her soul. As soon as this fellow reached the deck, he shouted for them to turn around and flee, whirling his sword in circles – the seventh sword. Much to Reepicheep's protest, Caspian agreed to turn the Dawn Treader and head back outside. Apparently, this is all not going fast enough for their new castaway.

» Captain, how long in did we hear this man's cries? « Caspian asks in a low voice.

» N'more than a couple o' minutes, sire, « even Drinian keeps his volume down, glancing around uneasily before raising an eyebrow at the king. Luna doesn't dare to take her eyes off their surroundings, only noticing Caspian's movement next to her from the corner of her eye. He leans towards the captain,

» We've been travelling back for more than that. « The two exchange a worried glance. Drinian is sure it is the right direction, it must be. He turned the ship in a full circle; however, he must admit that even his sense of direction is troubled in this starless darkness. The captain adjusts his grip on the wheel, his knuckles turning white,

» Pick up the stroke! «

» Fools! Row for your lives! « The stranger shouts, throwing his head from side to side as if afraid that someone is going to attack. Or something – Luna isn't keen on finding out what exact evil lurks here.

» Make haste! « He continues in a frantic tone,

» And you mustn't think! No, don't think! « He shudders, slumping his upper body forward as if to curl into himself.

» Why? « Reepicheep is the first to address the stranger directly, there will be time for introductions later,

» We don't usually flee, we'll catch whatever hunts you, sir. « Said sir turns in a circle once, looking for the speaker. As he can't find him on his own eye-level, he shuts his eyes tightly, pressing his hands to his head,

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