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publishing failed yesterday due to my service not working but here it is!
i re-read this book and some things didn't make sense since i changed it around so here's a couple of notes. This is current 5sos as well as current ages, meaning Luke is 25, Michael is 26,  Ashton is 27, and Calum is 26.  Aurora is 21 and has finished college. She used to live in Colorado (where she hung out with Calum) and moved to Melbourne,  Australia with her brother that was briefly mentioned. She is now moving back to the US with a roommate so these recent chapters make sense! Calum has met Aurora 3 times and Aurora currently does not know who "malcum" is. Thanks for reading, time for the chapter!
Three months. Aurora has been sending me dad jokes everyday for the past three months. I've hung out with her for one day and I couldn't bring myself to tell her I'm also "Malcum". We've been touring around the US and I wish she was still in Colorado so I could stop by.

"Thinking about your dad joke telling princess girlfriend again?" I heard one of the guys joke which made me snap out of my thoughts. I sat upright on the couch I've been sprawled out on for the past two hours waiting for the daily text.

"No, you made me sound like some weird stalker," I rolled my eyes. I wouldn't tell them they were correct about my thoughts because it'd only make them laugh at me. "It's almost time, isn't it lover boy," Michael joked and I rolled my eyes again at the lame attempt to taunt me.

"Quit acting like you guys weren't embarrassingly invested in Crystal and Sierra when you first met." Silence after my words brought a sly smirk to my face, finally shut them up. My phone vibrated and I walked to the back of the tour bus and slid into my bunk to open the text from my favorite person.

iMessage 4:44PM

Aurora!: what do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?

malcum: i don't know, what?

Aurora!: sofishticated
Aurora!: get it?

malcum: nice one, seems like you aren't running out anytime soon

Aurora!: never, then i'd be out of a job

malcum: you do know you can text me at any time even without a joke, right?

Aurora!: yeah but then it'd feel weird
Aurora!: the* Calum* oops

malcum: really? when?

Aurora!: the night of the concert, he took me to the dressing room to hang out with the rest of the band before the show started and then we hung out after and WE HAD AN ACTUAL HANG OUT

malcum: so you met your favorite band and went on a date with one of them? you're a good luck charm huh

Aurora!: well it wasn't a date with Calum but it was still amazing :)
Aurora!: the whole night feels like a dream

malcum: why wouldn't it be a date?

Aurora!: because i'm just a fan, he probably wont remember me if i saw him on the street

"If only you knew Aurora," I mumbled to myself. My heart was beating hard against my chest as I debated on whether or not I should tell her who I really am. What if it messes things up? What if she gets embarrassed and doesn't talk to me anymore? I didn't want to take those chances considering I really liked her. Sure, I don't know much about her apart from her lame but funny jokes, her appearance, her style, and the fact that she supports the band so much was enough to keep me in a trance and want to know everything about her.

Her likes, dislikes, fears, goals, accomplishments, pet peeves, favorite hobbies, family life, and everything else in between. Yeah sure I could text her over twitter on my actual account but she'd forget all about "Malcum" and I still needed him for a bit longer.

malcum: i don't think he'd think of you as just a fan

Aurora!: did he tell you that

malcum: ha ha -.-

Aurora!: thanks i know im hilarious

malcum: that's true

She didn't reply after which wasn't a surprise, she would usually stop answering after a bit and would text me the following day at 4:44pm. I always dreaded when our conversations would end. I wanted to talk to her every second or every day.

But it was selfish of me and I knew that. I switched over to twitter and scrolled through her feed and recent tweets. It took a lot of restraint to not like every post and draw attention to her account which would make our supporters either hate or love her.


Calum5SOS tweeted: The North American leg of the tour is going great, can't wait to see all of your beautiful faces!
Aurora5SOS liked


iMessage 4:44PM

Aurora!: have you heard about the chocolate record player?

malcum: like ... made of chocolate

Aurora!: yeah it sounds pretty sweet

malcum: can i hear?

Aurora!: malcum
Aurora!: that was the joke

malcum: well now i feel dumb

Aurora!: you're adorable :)

"You're blushing dude," Ashton laughed and I looked up from my phone to find all three of my best friends were staring at me with their phones pointing in my direction. "Are you recording me?" I huffed as I grabbed a pillow, preparing to toss it and hoping it'd hit at least one of them in the head. "We need video evidence to show Aurora how cheesy you get when you text her!" Michael teased and my heart tightened at the sound of her name.

"You aren't showing her anything, she can't see that," I said as I stood up to try and delete the videos but they were faster at moving their phones out of my reach. "Oh come on Calum, quit acting like you aren't embarrassingly invested in Aurora," Luke replied back, mocking my words to him from yesterday. I huffed in defeat and sat back down to text back Aurora all while ignoring the childish smooching noises from my bandmates.

malcum: quit it Aurora, grown men don't get called adorable

Princess Aurora: well malcum, you're adorable

malcum: caw caw
malcum: :)


Aurora5SOS tweeted: maybe caw caw will be our always

a/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter! i just wanted to write from Calum's perspective and his emotions, more povs to come. currently writing chapter 20 which im pretty excited for :). Thanks again for the support, reads, and votes <3

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