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iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: how do you make holy water?

malcum: take it to church

aurora: no
aurora: boil the hell out of it

malcum: what if it doesnt have any hell in it

aurora: dont ruin my joke

malcum: fine fine


iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: what do you call somebody with no body and no nose?

malcum: i dont know

aurora: nobody knows

malcum: so then why would you ask the joke?

aurora: it was the answer to the joke idiot

malcum: OH

aurora: im surrounded by idiots

malcum: that makes you one too

aurora: false

malcum: true


iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: why cant you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

malcum: maybe because they're extinct
malcum: keep up with the times aurora

aurora: no because the pee is silent
aurora: keep up with the alphabet malcum

malcum: got me there


Calum5SOS tweeted: ok how do i get a girl without directly letting her know i want her

Aurora5SOS replied: tell her a knock knock joke


iMessage 4:43 PM

malcum: before you say your joke i have something to say

iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: which is?

malcum: knock knock

aurora: whos there

malcum: hawaii

aurora: hawaii who?

malcum: im fine, hawaii you?

aurora: *laughing emoji* okay i enjoyed that one

malcum: (:

aurora: if you see a robbery at an apple store, what does that make you?

malcum: uhh stupid for not joining in

aurora: thats terrible
aurora: the correct answer is, an iWitness

malcum: ?

aurora: an iWitness...

malcum: i dont get it

aurora: IWITNESS

malcum: wait

aurora: omg bye malcum

malcum: no :(


iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?

malcum: why aurora

aurora: because he couldnt see himself doing it malcum

malcum: hahahahhaahah

aurora: i dont appreciate the sarcasm

malcum: its genuine i swear

aurora: yeah yeah caw caw

malcum: caw caw?

aurora: yes caw caw
aurora: like blah blah but my twist

malcum: youre very interesting

aurora: thanks i try *hair flip*

malcum: you're welcome


iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: what has two butts and kills people?

malcum: bees

aurora: bees dont kill people malcum

malcum: they could

aurora: nor do they have two butts

malcum: fair point, what was the answer?

aurora: assassins

malcum: *laughing emoji

aurora: :)


iMessage 4:44 PM

aurora: what did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

malcum: ahoy

aurora: aye matey

malcum: dammit

aurora: nice try

malcum: caw caw

aurora: NO

malcum: yes :)

aurora: back off

malcum: never


Calum5SOS tweeted: is it bad i look forward to a specific time every single day? i cant help it


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