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I woke up to an empty bed and an open sliding door and I immediately started panicking. I shot up out of bed, brushed my teeth, and slipped on a pair of shorts to step outside. Aurora wasn't in the hot tub or the patio so I walked to the far side to see if I could spot her anywhere in the water.

My head was pounding and my body was aching but I ignored everything until I could spot her myself. I saw her on the far shallow side sitting in the water with a cup of orange juice in one hand and a book in another. She had on a pair of sunglasses and her hair was tied up into a bun at the top of her head. She looked beautiful but there was a look of hurt on her face.

"Aurora," I called out hoping she could hear me. It was currently ten in the morning and it didn't seem like any of the other guests were awake yet.

She looked up from her book and gave me a small smile before standing up, being careful not to spill her drink or get her book soaking wet. She walked cautiously and handed me her book so she could grab the railing to climb up the steps.

"Good morning," She told me and gently took back her book at sat on the patio chair. "Good morning," I said back and went to sit beside her but decided to give her some space and sit in the other unoccupied chair.

"Are you okay? I mean that's a stupid question. I know you aren't but if you're comfortable enough, do you think you could tell me what happened?" I asked her and she shut her book completely and took a breath.

She took a couple sips of her orange juice before setting it down on the table. "What I remember is Luke and Sierra telling me they wanted to go to bed and asked if I was coming. I was going to until I saw your texts," She started and I felt like I got stabbed with a knife of guilt.

"I shouldn't have sent those texts regardless if I was mad or not Aurora, I'm so sorry." I apologized and she didn't really react to what I said and continued on with what happened.

"After I read those I decided to stay and keep drinking and partying with a couple of girls I met with Sierra. They had some kind of dessert and offered us some and like an idiot, I took one. It was a brownie and it tasted amazing until I didn't feel amazing anymore.

Everything was super slow and warped. I thought I was going crazy so I went to the bar to order some water. The bartender handed it to me and I started drinking some obviously. I held my drink the whole time, didn't let anyone close.

These guys came up to me and started dancing with me but I kept walking away from them and they kept insisting I go back to their villa with them for some after party thing. I told them no and kept saying no until one of them got mad and admitted he slipped something in my drink and I'd be saying yes soon. I threw my drink at him and ducked into the crowd so I could leave.

I got lost, I had no idea where I was going and no one was answering their phones. So I managed to find a worker and she told me she's seen me leave the villa with some tall dude and showed me to where it was. She watched and helped me the whole time, I was so grateful. I told her about the dudes and security went out looking for them.

They knocked on the door this morning to tell me the worker reported what I told her and they were found and got arrested. Apparently they found a whole bunch of drugs in their villa and were doing it to multiple people."

By the time she finished explaining everything, there were tears falling from her eyes and she quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry Aurora, I shouldn't have left you. That'll be my biggest regret ever. I promised to protect you and I failed. I don't deserve you," I admitted and I felt like crying too.

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