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Aurora5SOS tweeted: on my way to the venue I MIGHT PUKE FROM EXCITEMENT
Aurora5SOS replied: i wont actually puke tjats so gros bye
Aurora5SOS replied: omg im so excited i cant even type 😭


I thanked the Uber driver as I made my way towards the front doors of the venue. I was greeted by a rather large security guard and I pulled out my cellphone as we made eye contact. He took the handheld scanner from his waistband and waited as I pulled up the information needed for me to get in. Once it was successfully scanned he smiled at me sweetly as if he knew something which left me utterly confused.

"Enjoy yourself in there," He smiled and I thanked him as he opened the door and directed me to the soundcheck area. There was a separate section from the general arena and my stomach began forming knots as another employee walked me towards the moment I've been waiting for since I began loving the band.

"Okay you're in section A, seat 1. Please no flash photography, silence your cellphone, and hold all questions until the Q&A or the band instructs you. There are emergency exits to the left and to the far back in case of anything and restrooms are located down the corridor hall to your right. Have fun and enjoy!" She quickly spoke and scurried away to i'm assuming fetch the next guest that also got VIP tickets. I texted Malcum that I had arrived and walked down to the seat she told me I was assigned to. I probably looked like a young child who had just received a generous amount of candy but I didn't care. This was my moment to me my favorite people of all time.

As I sat for a couple of minutes I realized I didn't even have any questions prepared to ask them if I got picked. A feeling of worry struck me hard and I quickly began thinking of a million questions to ask that weren't basic or too stupid sounding. The results were nothing, I had absolutely nothing.

"Damn it," I mumbled to myself and looked around to see there were a few other people that looked just as excited as I was. I wonder if they had any questions ready to ask and I checked the time to see it was 6: 35. Malcum was nowhere to be found- well at least thats what I was assuming since I had no idea what he looks like- so I texted him again, hoping he'd answer or appear within the next five minutes.

Microphone feedback blasted through the surround sound speakers, startling everyone in the arena but it meant they were almost coming out onto the stage. The feeling of a giddy child reappeared onto my face and I made sure to do everything necessary to save my battery as much as I could.

The first one to come out was Ashton, who began fumbling around with his drum set to make sure everything was how he wanted it. He waved at us and placed the wired microphone piece in his ear that was handed to him. He looked around and realized he didn't have a microphone so he disappeared once again behind the stage to go fetch one. Michael and Luke came out and scanned the seats as they greeted us and asked a couple of kind questions.

"Anyone need some snacks or water?" Michael asked as everyone looked around too scared to directly answer. It was unbelievable how we all could love them so hard but in the moment it seemed as if we were deer in headlights.

"Don't be shy everyone we won't bite," Luke chuckled, attempting to ease the nervousness in the room. No one spoke up and the boys seemed a little disappointed at the lack of conversation so I decided to speak up.

"May I have some water please?" I asked and all eyes landed on me. They looked at each other and smiled and Michael nodded towards someone in the back and other people began requesting stuff as well. Two figures walked down from backstage and began making their way towards the stands. Ashton held loads of snacks and the one and only held numerous amounts of water bottles.

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