Calming Hug

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Glad shift was over, I pull my locker door open tossing my stuff into my duffel. Rubbing the back of my neck, I feel a hand on the lower part of my back. Knowing the touch any where's, I slowly turn my head to the left seeing his green eyes staring at me. "You, ok?" He asks quietly.

Slowly nodding my head, I let a faint sigh emerge from my lips. "I know you better than that." He implies.

"The girl from the apartments." I reply quietly. "That prick abused that girl, Jay." I say softly. "He hurt her in many ways and ran. Like a pig he is." I growl in anger. "I want to find him, put him in the cage and beat the mortal shit out of him." I snap a little.

Feeling his arms instantly wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. I sigh in content resting my head against his shoulder blade, and chest. Didn't matter what, he knew how to make me feel. He knew how to calm me. Wrapping my arms slowly around his torso, I inhale his cologne. "Better?" He softly questions.

Nodding my head slowly, I look up at him. "Yes." I reply softly.

Seeing a cheeky smile form into his lips, he leans down pressing his lips to mine. Kissing him back, we pull back from one another. Smiling, I finish gathering my things seeing him going to gather up his. It wasn't long till we were leaving, and heading to the parking garage to our vehicles. "Hey, I am going to swing by med, and talk to Will about the groomsmen stuff." Jay turns to me, after opening his truck door.

"Ok." I reply with a smile. "Be careful, I need to meet up with Karen and the girl's anyways." I tell him.

"See you at home." Jay smiles.

"Always. Love you." I tell him slipping into my Jeep and cranking it to life. Pulling out behind Jay, we go our separate ways once we hit the roadway doing our things we need to do.

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