ℂ|3 𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

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•♫Body~ I'm more than my body~
❗️Rape/sexual Abuse and implied Self harm❗️

Izuku moaned feeling all hot and wearily. His whole body felt as if it was in paradise, the feeling of his lips trailing down his neck down his stomach and thighs.

His hand that had a good grip on his waist and hair. How he hit the right spots, he felt so good a feeling he never had it was unbelievable amazing. The marks left on his skin to claim what's his. Izuku loved it, the pleasure, the feeling of feeling him inside of him.

The love they were making with the words that's been whispered in his ears...

Izuku woke up panting heavily. He looked around sighing before flopping back down on the bed "Of course it wasn't real!" He sighed in frustration. He looked at them time seeing it was already six and he had to take Zari to day care at 8:30. He sighed getting up. Lately these dreams...it's been playing in his head over and over again.

He got up his bed was drenched in sweat, he rolled his eyes getting up. He slowly walked to the bathroom turning the water on. He got in the shower sighing, he was relaxing until he heard the bathroom door open. His breathing gotten quicker "Izuku~ hey bud" he shook his head when the shower door opened. "What? Giving me the silent treatment now?" Jared chuckled.

Izuku watched in fear and hatred as he took his clothes off. Stepping in the shower while putting his finger up to his mouth to tell him to not say anything. Izuku shook head towards him "L-Leave me alone..." he whispered looking at the shower floor. He felt hands go around his waist "Aw~ looks like you got thicker and curvier" he heard Jared chuckled before grabbing his butt.

Izuku squeezed his eyes closed trying to push him away, Jared grabbed his wrist "You know you're so adorable...You know how much I love hearing your sounds" He trailed down his neck, the shower water still running covering up the bathroom noises.

Izuku tried to pull away whimpering but he got backed up on the wall. Jared hands trailed down his body. "P-Please stop!" Jared didn't listen he just turned him around licking his neck before lining his dick up to his hole. "You're even better than your useless bitch of a mom" Izuku cried trying to get out the man's grip. "Stop! Fuck you asshole!" Jared just smirked slamming harshly into him grabbing his waist, Taking the breath out of Izuku as he cried.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

Izuku slide down the shower wall to the floor, eyes red from all the crying he did as blood and semen dripped out of him. No expression on his face. Jared already left leaving him there. Izuku looked down crying all he seen was red and white, he cried harder scrubbing himself harshly to get the disgusting and unwanted feeling and touches off of him.

He hated that man so much. That man was fucking sick in the head. He was so used to it something that he shouldn't be used to. Izuku felt as if he was gonna faint, he tried to get up but he fell back down, breaking down. He grit his teeth grabbing on to the bar handle trying to stand up. It took 30 minutes to get all that stuff out without trying to breakdown again.

He got out the shower limping breathing he got his clothes putting them on, just some sweat pants and a long sleeve crop top walking out the bathroom sitting on the floor beside his bed. Izuku pulled his sleeve up looking at his arm, the old marks he made...just successfully stopping three months ago. Sighing he got up putting his hoodie over his shirt.

He looked at the time cursing, it was already 8:25 and he still had to get her ready and it took ten minutes to walk there. He groaned walking out peeping to see if someone was in the hall before sighing before closing the door again looking at his sister that was in her little crib he successfully brought her. He slipped his high top converses on before carefully picking her up and the baby bag.

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