ℂ|12 𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

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"I know how much it matters to you. I know that you got daddy issues


Izuku grinned limping out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria where his friends waited for him. He ignored everyone who was looking at him and sat at the table, instantly Denki instantly went to his side. "Tell. Me. what. Happened!" Izuku rolled his eyes at his best friend's excitement. Katsuki leaned in while Eijiro just listened from beside the boy.

"Okay okay. So tell me why he got kids?" He said exaggeratedly. The three gasped looking at him, "You lyinnn! For real? And he told you?" Katsuki asked, mouth dropped. Izuku shook his head, "Bitch no. I had to find out from his husband! We was in the store and loud mout came in wit sum lil bugers!" Izuku said eyes widened.

Denki hit his arm, "And what you do? Cause we can't have no step momma shit" he said scrunching up his face. "what I said! I jus nod and walk out. He ain't follow me or nun, probably cause he ain't wanna make a scene" Izuku rolled his eyes. "Unt Uhh so what happen just now? Y'all fucked?" Eijiro said, interested. "Duh! I had ta! But I'm thinking of sum else...imma make sure him and Loud bitch split and he leave em ugly ass churn" They nodded, "See if they ugly, they must take after loud hoe" Denki said nodding dead serious "And do!" Izuku said, started laughing.

Izuku looked at Eijiro smirking, "Welp don't go all crazy n shi, weont' wanna come up stories foe yo ass" Izuku laughed, "Shut up. Imma be carful....ish" he said smirking a bit taking a sip of Denki's tea.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂
A week later

Izuku walked around the store, Zuri sat sleep in the stroller. He was looking for some baby medicine for her after finding out she had gotten a bit sick. So now he walked all the way from Aizawa apartment to the store for the medicine, since the black haired male wasn't home and Izuku didn't exactly have the car at the moment.

He had his 'Mother' and step father blocked at the moment. He knew they weren't gonna try and look for him or even care where he was but he knew they would try eventually thinking he would go to the police. Izuku truly thought about going but he really thought they would take his word over them, they never did.

He sighed, he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. Taking it out he saw it was his father who was calling on FaceTime. He smiled widely hooking answering the call from his AirPod. He saw his father looking all up in the camera "Izuku? you see me?" Hisashi asked his accent coming through heavily.

Izuku giggled, "Yes papa, how are you?" He asked missing his father. Ever since Inko took custody he could barely see his him. Hisashi smiled, "I'm doing good, but never mind that. What bout you? How are they treating you? Bad still?" Izuku shook his head at the concern he heard through the man's voice. "No. No I've found a place...I'm living with someone at the moment." He said he skin turning a bit reddish.

Hisashi raised an eyebrow, "Well who is they? Are you okay? How's Zuri?" Izuku was a bit hesitant, he definitely didn't look fine. He had some dark eye bags but you couldn't really tell unless you payed close attentions . He still looked good though, all week he's been eating good he's back staying at Aizawa house.

Of course the man didn't ask him if he wanted to move in, it was just a thing they established without asking or talking about. Izuku knew he had some type of effect on the man and god did Aizawa have an effect on Izuku.

"just a friend, they been helping me with Zuri and help me stay on school work" he said picking up some snacks and more coffee. Hisashi nodded, "Well I have some great news!" "And that is?" Izuku grabbed some drinks trying  to figure out what he gonna cook tonight.

"I've contact some people and I was able to pull in a case" Izuku froze, "What?" He didn't know if he heard it right, he needed him to repeat that good and clear. "Son I finally found someone to open a case for us, we'll have everything open and the evidence is now looked over. But since you're turning 18 in  eight months they won't be able to do anything about custody but you'll still be able to do something about Inko and that guy" He explained to him smiling.

Izuku began to cry, finally happy he'll be able to get rid of Inko and her abusive ass boyfriend. Izuku nodded, "Thank you Papa" he said, "Anytime I'm just finally happy we'll get them thrown in prison and you'll finally be safe with Zuri"

After that they talked for awhile as Izuku took his time as he texted Shota to call him an Uber to get him back home.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

He was sitting on the couch, the new Netflix show, Dahmer played. Aizawa was probably home with his husband and kids. It just made Izuku mad thinking about it. His phone rung and he was gonna ignore it but decided not to. He looked to see it was Shota.

He smiled sitting up straight crisscrossed, he paused the show. "Hello?" "Hey You at the apartment right?" "Mhm, you coming tonight?" "I don't know Izuku, Hizashi been annoying me lately about always being out and-" Izuku pouted "But Zawa, I miss you" he whined, Izuku was frustrated, not just frustrated. Sexually frustrated and not being able to be around the man or feel his touch made him aggravated.

Aizawa sighed, "Izuku I can't but I'll make it up to you okay?" Izuku rolled his eyes, "Fine. I gotta go" he said, his attitude through his voice audible. Aizawa let out a annoyed sigh, "Izuk-" Izuku just hung up and through his phone on the other side of him.

He grabbed his plate and walked to the kitchen putting his plate in the sink along with the pot he used to cook stew chicken. He grabbed the pot that he cooked the rice in and put some water in it. "I'll just let that sit." He mumbled knowing he could've just washed it.

He then ran the hot water in the sink putting in some dawn dish detergent. He grabbed the sponge and washed the remaining dishes. Zoning out for a bit. "Fuck him and that family..." thoughts of how he was gonna tell Hizashi about his husband little hookups.


Soooooo I know I was gone and I had to do some thinking but whatever.

Anyway if I added someone to their relationship (When it actually go somewhere) how would y'all feel?

Aizawa x Izuku x ???

I have a thought to who I want but if y'all don't feel comfortable wit tht I won't add them.

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