ℂ|16 𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

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All night, you could be, tellin me lies, makin me cry, wastin my time


Izuku and Denki talked amongst they friend group, "Honestly, Aizawa sounds...pedo. ur 16!!" Katsuki said, not being okay with the fact Denki JUST turned 16 and having sex with an 29 year old. "Mcht, Katt i'm just having fun! Let me liveee" Denki whined, gripping onto the blonde arm rocking back and forth pouting. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Yea okay, Live." they rolled their eyes at how Katsuki was acting. "You okay with Izuku doing it!" "Cause Izuku knows what he's doing! You might end up pregnant or caught up!" He lectured Denki who was still pouting.

Eijiro shook his head, "I think Denki's fine. He has Izuku there" "Exactly, stop lecturing him, he aint a baby" Izuku added. "Mcht." Katsuki shut up and continue eating his home cooked meal he cooked last night.

Denki stared at Katsuki before looking away, "Theres a possibility i end up pregnant for real?" Izuku raised his eyebrow, "Did he nut in you?" he knows they fucked but he lowkey fell asleep and woke up to Denki sound asleep beside him later that night. "...yes" Katsuki dropped his fork and looked at him with a small glare. "you let him nut in you??!" "It was a moment thing!" Denki said not liking that he was getting yelled at. "Where going to cvs after school." Katsuki said, before the bell rung and he got up and left.

Izuku looked at Eijiro who was looking confused as well. "Why he so grumpy today?" "No clue..." Eijiro shrugged. Denki had this questionable look on his face, as if he was in deep thought. "Come on Nari, he's just grumpy. We can go to the store after school" Izuku said grabbing the boy hand. Denki nodded, getting up, walking to class together.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

Aizawa seemed like he was in deep thought all day. Izuku could tell, the man been glancing at him and Denki since they walked through the door this morning. He even gave them free time to talk, since he didn't feel like teaching or something like that. The bell rung and he looked up, "Midoriya, Kaminari. Stay behind for a bit, i need to talk to you two" Denki looked at Izuku who looked back at him then at Katsuki and Eijiro. "We'll wait for yall outside" Eijiro said, Katsuki glared at Aizawa before walking out with the red head.

Everyone else left, waiting til they leave. Aizawa closed the door. "What happened last night...I don't need anybody to know about this." Izuku raised an eyebrow, "You was just fucking with me last week, all of a sudden you paranoid" Aizawa sighed, "Yes. Denki's 16...I can't have anything bad on my record. I can't get caught up like this" he explained feeling the tension grow in the room. "I- mcht, you nutted in me!" Denki stressed. "You told me to! It was a mistake, misunderstanding. I was just in the moment of this an-" Izuku cut him off, "You mad weird. I'm 17, minor btw...pedo shit ya know" he said crossing his arms.

"You willingly had intercourse with a 16 year old! Don't try and put the blame on us and said it was a misunderstanding!" Izuku said, he didn't care who Aizawa was or even if he liked shota, be was not finna put no blame on them for his actions. especially since he did it willingly.

Denki crossed his arms, "Okay...so what if i'm pregnant? then what?" Aizawa looked confused, "You can get pregnant?!" "Yes." Denki said, lowkey ashamed. "I- get rid of it." Izuku frowned looking at Denki who looked troubled. The curly haired male turned back towards the black haired man. "Don't tell Denki things like that." He snapped. Denki eyes seemed unfocused, before he looked spaced out. "Nari, come on we leaving." Izuku said snapping the boy out of whatever world he was in. Denki nodded grabbing the boy hand.

Izuku pointed at Aizawa, "Watch yo words next time, don't make it seem like we forced yo grown old ass! Cus trust i'll definitely make it seem like somebody got forced, play if you wanna!" After that Izuku walked out pulling Denki behind him.

Aizawa groaned stressing, "What the fuck I got myself into?"

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

Denki walked through CVS with Katsuki who instantly went towards the pregnancy isle. He grabbed two before glancing at the boy who seemed nervous. He sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier or whatever" Denki shrugged, "I understand. i think" he rolled his eyes. "Shit, I'm just scared for you, you know?" "Kat, i know..." Katsuki nodded, he brought him into a hug.

Denki knew the reason Katsuki was acting the way he was...but he chose to ignore it..for now.

They walked up to the counter and paid before going back to the car. They got in and Izuku looked from the passenger seat, "You okay?" Denki nodded, "Of course, are you okay?" Izuku paused before nodding, "Mhm, yup" the curly haired make said before turning back around.

Eijiro gave him a skeptical look before turning to Denki, "You sure you good D?" "Yea, Im fine" Denki smiled at his concerned friends. Katsuki just said quietly in the back.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂time skip▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

Denki sat on the toilet, "What if i am? I can't do-" Izuku shook his head, "We'll figure it out" Denki stood up after wiping, pulling his shorts up. They stood inna bathroom for a good 10 minutes, too scared to look. Eijiro and Katsuki sat outside of the door, inna other room.

Izuku sighed, "Alright, Imma look." Denki took a deep breath. The curly haired make flipped over both the tests and-




This Chapter was definitely a little bit rushed.
I honestly need ideas on what should happen or what y'all want to happen next.

🥲😅 I low key forgot my own damn plot 🤣!

Butt It could End wit Aideku like originally planned.

IzuKami as backup.

AiIzukam which was sum i was going for before this chapter and last chapter took a turn.

BakuKami which I lowkey see butttt at the same time idk (No its not finna be bout them but that who Kami would end up with)


which ever has more votes by
, Saturday -thursday


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