ℂ|17 𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

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Pills and potions, we're overdosing. Im angry but i still love you


When they found out Izuku wasn't pregnant they were so happy. Denki on the other hand...was having a hard time.

Izuku had to go back to the house. yes, his mother's house. He remembered he left all his important things in the jewelry box that was in a closet. He knew Inko went out sucking dick for money on Thursdays and Jared? He should be out drinking like usual. So nobody supposed to be home at all today.

He still had the key to the house, he knew he would have to come back sooner or later to get his important stuff. He didn't see no car in the driveway, so he was right. Nobody was home. He walked in the house, it smelt horrible. Like weed, alcohol and cigarettes. not a good combination. The house was dirty, there were empty liquor bottles all on the floor. Burned out cigarette stains on the couch and the kitchen was just a mess, you could barely tell it was a kitchen really.

He felt like throwing up, the house looked more like a house when he stayed here (Mostly because he was the only one cleaning). Izuku walked upstairs, the hallway was a mess, the door to Inko and Jared room was off and there was a big whole in the wall. He frowned, opening what used to be his bedroom door. He looked around seeing the room looked the same as he left. Not a complete mess but it looked like a teenager room.

He walked to the closet looking through all the boxes and moving stuff around. He heard footsteps and froze hearing the door open wider. He turned around and made eye contact with the one person he was really hoping to not see. "Izuku" Jared said, his voice raspy and he seemed a bit tipsy but fully functioning. The curly haired boy held his breath. "Jared..I-" "You know, me and your mother missed you." Jared said, eyes low and roaming as if he was examining the young boy appearance.

Izuku shook his head and scoffed, "Right, Cause that makes a lot of sense coming from someone who raped me." he dry laughed, Jared didn't say anything but walked towards the boy. He closed to the door, locking it behind him. Izuku took note of that. "Izuku...I know i've made mistakes-" The curly haired boy picked up the closest thing to him. "Oh really?" Jared paused in his tracks, seeing the knife held tightly in the boy hands. "Just hear me out, before I even touched you..we had a great relationship" he said, "Dont you miss that ?" Izuku shook his head, "no."

Jared walked closer, "Put the knife down Izuku" he gripped his boy wrists. He frowned seeing Izuku eyes water. Izuku dropped the knife, he knew that was stupid. "You know you was my heart before everything" The drunk man said, Izuku breathing got heavier.

He couldn't say anything. Before the abuse started from Jared, they both had a great relationship but at the same time it was weird. Jared was an alcoholic and Izuku was only 14 when things started changing. Jared was a drug dealer and he treated his mother like shit. Constantly using her to get money. Izuku knew the man didn't actually love his mother.

At 14 years old, Jared first touched him. He told him it was because of his mother wasn't giving him what he needed. Jared told the boy that he loved him during the time and what he was doing was out of love. Izuku was a child, he was small minded at the time. He fell for it. Fell for Jared.

Jared used Izuku for years on. It had hurt though but Izuku thought it was normal. Until he learned it wasn't. Jared was all he knew. Jared fed him lies after lies after lies. 16 years old. Izuku found him pregnant. He knew what happened and Jared also knew. They kept it a secret. They made everyone believe the was Izuku sister. Izuku couldnt go outside for a year til she was born. Inko hated Izuku more and more.

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