ℂ|18 𝔈𝔵𝔱𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

295 16 1

Don't tell me you love me, tell me you love, cut it out


Izuku sat in the car gathering himself, he had a whole breakdown before even gathering himself to drive back home. He slowly got out the car, grabbing the stuff and limping a bit up the stairs. He got to the apartment and unlocked the door. He saw Aizawa in the living room. He cursed to himself, "Izuku, you okay?" he heard him call out. "Mhm, yea" he said, his voice a little scratchy. "You had got what you needed? They werent there right?" Izuku rushed down the hall, "No! Im gonna he in the bathroom" Aizawa looked up from the Tv and down the hall in confusion.

Izuku sat the stuff on the bed before shutting and locking his door. He took off all his clothes frantically and rushed into the bathroom, running the hot water in the tub. He got in after closing the door, after washing himself off he just sat in the tub.

Realization hit, they didn't even have a condom. He really let his abuser touch him again after he swore he wouldn't let him ever again. He groaned, letting his body fully emerge in the water. "I just keep failing at doing that one thing" he muttered to himself tiredly. He closed his eyes a bit, feeling tired.

There was a knock of the door making his eyes shot open alerted before he realize who it was. "Izuku, you been in here for a hour are you okay? whats going on" how the fuck did he get in the room. He must have thought he locked the room door. "U-Um yea i'm fine, i'll be out inna bit" he said sitting up in the tub.

"Baby are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine! Go away please!" he said getting overwhelmed. Aizawa didn't say anything until the baby started crying from the other room. He left and Izuku got up out the tub not caring about the water dripping all on the floor, he just stared at himself in the mirror. He looked over all the hickeys and marks. He groaned looking through the drawer for his water proof concealer.

He grabbed his towel drying off before applying the concealer on every mark. He apply setting spray before walking out the bathroom. He locked the room door before laying on the bed.

Rethinking his life decisions honestly. So much things have happened that he couldn't even focus on one. His phone started ringing, he frowned. An unknown number pop up. He answered, "Hello...?" "Izuku. What happened to you never leaving me again?" A rough voice asked. His eyes widened it was Jared. "I...leave me alone please, stay away from me and Zari. I hate you, it was a moment I never meant any of that shit. You and that bitch gonna die in that pit hole" he said bitterly before the man could even utter words he hung up and blocked him.

He threw his phone on the bed before getting up and finding clothes to put on. He just wanted to sleep and hold Zari close. He walked out his room and into Zari room, he saw Aizawa holding her but lowkey ignored him and grabbed her from him gently. The man looked at him confused but also concerned, "Are you okay? You been all quiet since you got back"

Izuku just hummed, looking at Zari. "Im fine. I wanna be alone tonight so can you leave please" he looked at him. Emotions weren't really shown. "Can you just leave and go back to your amazing husband and kids, im sure they miss you." he said before walking towards the doors, "I won't be coming to school tomorrow btw" he said before walking out.

Aizawa just stared where the boy was standing before walking out the room and down the hall. The room door closed. He sighed tiredly before walking out the apartment.

Izuku laid in his bed, holding the baby close. Every life choice, everything that's happened, it just seemed like it was meant to happen. Why him though? Why did he have to be depressed kid thats only faking to be happy until his daddy save him from his sick abusive prostitute of a mother and his step father who oh so happens to be his rapist and the father of his secret child he hides as his baby sister.

Yea, just such a happy life and sweet life.

"I swear, whatever happens, I'm gonna do whatever to give you the life and everything I never had" He whispered smiling down at the baby who was fast asleep. Her small hand wrapped around his finger.

His eyes watered as he laid down, "Anything for you." he closed his eyes, his thoughts everywhere.


okay, updated.

I gotta reread my books to figure out the plot again and the ideas😭, esp how i wanna end it!

anyway next book imma update is my krdk wedding book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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