ℂ|6 𝔈𝔵𝔯𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱~

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"And it's all fun and games until somebody fall in love~"

Don't play the song yet

Izuku sat on the bathroom floor. Zuri was at his neighbors. He had a big bruise on his thigh. The shape of a iron...and a big gash on his bicep.

▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂1 hour ago▂ↅ▂ↅ▂ↅ▂

Inko was screaming a nasty and disgusting words at Izuku. She somehow found out what Jared was doing to him and except going off on Jared she went off and turned her anger towards Izuku saying how he was a whore or that he was an attention seeker. She said whatever Jared did to him he must've deserved it.

Izuku isn't one to take words in but with being an over thinker and fucking depressed and mostly having suicidal thoughts. Her words weren't really helping the situation. She's really calling her son an attention seeker and whore for being forced into something he didn't want in the first place and by her own bitch of a boyfriend too.

He was loosing it but he didn't say anything as she started screaming and throwing stuff at him. Izuku was trying to dodge what was being thrown at him but he was being backed up in a corner for fucks sakes.

He then was about to move but she then thrown a vase at him before grabbing an hot iron kicking him down before pressing it down on his thigh. He screamed out crying, he couldn't move he was too much out of energy. She then took a knife stabbing his bicep. She was trying to go at it again before he gained the strength to kick her in her face sending her stumbling back a bit. Her head hit the end and corner of the table sending her to the ground and she blacked out.

Izuku didn't give a shit if she bleed out from it and died. He didn't give two shits about her to be honest, why should he? He got up groaning glancing at her seeing blood run on the floor under her. She rolled his eyes wincing as he grabbed his bruised bleeding arm limping upstairs. He opened the door closing and locking it. He walked to his bathroom looking through for the first aid kit.

He sat on the bathroom floor, and took a rag between his teeth before grabbing the alcohol pouring it over his bruise before the bandaid wraps tightly wrapping it around his arm. He didn't give a shit he just needed to get it looked at cause if he tries and stitch that shit up himself he would most likely pass out from all of it.

He took his pants off slowly using his good arm wanting to cry. It was a iron print right on his right thigh. He sighed putting some cream on it so it wouldn't burn as much and wrapped that too just taking his whole pants off. He sighed looking at his phone. He didn't bother to check his messages not one bit. He left his phone on dnd and looked through his drawers pulling out a bag off green and went to his closet he grabbed the liquor bottle sitting in the middle of his floor. He turned on his music connecting his phone to his Bluetooth.

A soft song played. Drew Barrymore; SZA
|Play song on any platform idc or don't have to and just read but I would consider so you could just vibe along with it ya know?|

'Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?'

Izuku took the tobacco and the paper rolling it up and sealing it up before grabbing his lighter. He put it to his lips inhaling it in has it burned his throat and lungs.

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