Hier sind ein Paar Szenen aus meinem Buch Widerstand und den beiden Folgenden, die es nicht ins Buch geschafft haben. Alternative Kapitel, einfach nur random Alltagssituationen und vielleicht irgendwann auch Fanart von mir.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D23496971/ Die erste war noch ziemlich harmlos, ein bisschen Ironie (wegen dem Apfel? Und Twilight? Ich geh mich begraben...), aber wie gesagt, ich hatte die decals gerade erst entdeckt und... well, I'm one edgy son of a bitch, so I went for BLOOD! Ähm. Sorry. But yeah, she's the first one of the psychotic murder-hobo group that this chapter will basically be, so strap in, strap on, folks, for some bloody (hehe) good vampire action!
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D23501475/ This one's also rather tame, he's one of the younger ones, and hasn't yet really developed a taste for violent bloody murder.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D23942948/ A victim of theirs, probably stumbled into their fancy mansion by accident. And yes, they're missing their eyes. What without sight, they cannot tell anyone what they saw, if they get out. And it makes the small appetizer-hunt so much more entertaining.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D24659358/ Ah, don't we all have that cousin who performs pagan rituals and worships ancient gods as a hobby? Unfortunately they waste so much blood on that hobby, we have to hunt about double for them. It's almost like they're feeding a whole other being... Nah, I'm sure it's nothing.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D24725631/ This is the patriarch of the house, so to speak. He's the most violent, most crazy, most dramatic of the bunch. He picks the finest prey, has the most clever excuses. Plus he inherited the house, so...
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25652103/ The crazy demon-obsessed (and possibly possessed?) person who starts doing weird shit in the woods. Real freaky. Best to keep your children close by.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29930513/ And finally, my newest creation. That's just how I felt when I made it, so make of it what you will. But I really like it.
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https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D24274498/ Another one I made of myself, this one a while ago (you can tell by the hair). I think I wanted to punch my wall down but my knuckles hurt after two hits so I mad this instead.
And yeah, I think that's it! Much less disturbing and bloody than I remembered. But I have the habit if imagining being way edgier than I actually am. Cause like, those who know me in person would probably say I'm more the stuttering pile of problems shambling around in the vague shape of a girl. Oh well. Take care, sleep and drink enough, and good night.