The Return Part 2

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The two families sat around the table in the Marcovaldos' backyard along with a few other villagers from Portorosso. The tree was decorated with fairy lights that made the warm evening air glow in the sunset. Giulia and Luca had already unpacked and now they were celebrating the arrival of the students with a feast with their friends and family. Alberto sat with Luca and Giulia on either side of him, basking in the feeling of being with his two favorite people. 

The lively chatter lasted throughout dinner and dessert, only started to turn into sleepy conversations long after the sun had set. Slowly, the guests trickled out until it was the Paguros making their way towards the gate. Luca kissed his mom's cheek to say goodnight, promising to come to visit tomorrow for lunch the following day. At last, it was just Massimo and the kids. After cleaning up the leftovers and cleaning the dishes, Massimo turned in for the night.

" I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted." 

Giulia was currently laying on the couch with her feet thrown over the back so her hair brushed the floor under her. Luca and Alberto were sitting next to her, right-side up, practically melted together because their drowsiness prevented them from being embarrassed about how affectionate they were.

"Yeah," Alberto agreed, "I was thinking about going up to bed. You coming bubble?"

Luca tried to hide his blush at the nickname by ducking his head into Alberto's neck. Alberto had been using it for quite some time in their letters but had yet to say it out loud, much less in front of people.

"y-yeah, sure, let's go," Luca murmured, still trying to calm his nerves.

The three underdogs made their way upstairs before Giulia bid the boys goodnight and entered her room, leaving the two to go up into the attic that Alberto now claimed as his. Luca took a second to take in the room, he had only been up there briefly to empty his suitcase and was now noticing all the tiny details that made this room distinctly Alberto's. There was a full-size mattress on what appeared to be shipping palettes, the sheets clean but unmade. On the opposite wall was a small desk with a lined notebook and a sketchpad on it along with a jar filled with pencils.  Next to that was a small bookshelf that held the books Luca brought home with him, manuals on how to repair Vespas, and small wooden carvings that Alberto had done.

While Luca was appreciating the decorations, he looked at the wall above the bed and saw it filled with drawings of himself and Alberto, and photos and postcards that Luca had sent him. His heart swelled realizing that this probably meant that, much like himself, Alberto saved everything he was sent from the other boy.

Alberto was sitting on his bed, enjoying watching Luca's curious eyes take in every detail of the room. Cod he was so cute when he got lost in whatever he was trying to take in. Alberto had only ever actually told his papa and Giulia about how he truly felt for Luca, but most of Portorosso seems to have caught on by now, everyone besides the brilliant green-scaled sireno himself. Alberto didn't know how Luca hadn't figured it out yet but decided that this week he would do it, he would tell Luca how he felt.

Alberto was pulled out of his thoughts as he saw Luca's eyes brimming with tears, looking above his head. Panic shot through him as he wondered if Luca was crying because it was weird that he kept all the pictures Luca had sent.

"hey," Alberto broke the silence while standing up, "what's wrong?"

Luca leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Alberto's neck. "Nothing, I just missed you and now I'm in a room where every little thing screams your name. It's wonderful." Luca spoke while resting his forehead on the taller boy's shoulder.

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