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Alberto could barely register his surroundings. All he could see was Luca, warm brown eyes locked onto his own, the younger wearing a slight smile. Alberto felt comforted before taking a second look. Luca's eyes weren't warm. The same eyes that had looked at him with all of the love and wonder in the world felt like two ice-cold daggers tearing into him. And that smile, the smile that Luca had when they would kiss or when he would tell Alberto about the stars or when Luca saw Alberto waiting for him at the train station, that smiles wasn't filled with joy or even relief. It was mocking him. Luca was then laughing at Alberto. Not the light giggle that made Alberto's heart flutter, instead it was a rough chuckle that made the older boy's stomach drop. 

"Look at you," Luca sneered at him, "so pathetic, no wonder everyone takes so much pity on you."

Alberto tried to ask why. Why was Luca acting like this? All that Luca saw, however, was Alberto dumbly smacking his lips together, no sound being made.

"Oh yeah, that, "Luca said between menacing chuckles, "You can't talk. Funny if you ask me. Put here to do nothing but listen to me. Can't even fight back."

Alberto moved as if to try and stand up but found himself stuck in place within the inky blackness surrounding them. 

"You know, I never really loved you." Luca started," At first I thought you were cool and all but then we met Giulia and I honestly forgot you were even there half the time. Oops." 

Alberto could feel himself shaking his head, trying to look around, even closing his eyes. But, there Luca remained, still, in the center of his vision, looking like a Lion eyeing its prey.

"I was happier in Genova, mainly because I didn't have to see you every day. " Alberto could feel the tears welling up in his eyes at Luca's words now, "But Giulia said that I had to come back with her and she's my best friend so I couldn't really say no."

Alberto's heart was beating out of his chest. Luca, the love of his life, his fiance, was looking into his eyes and spilling the truth out between them.

"I understand why your dad left. I probably would've left you there sooner if I were him, but some people can be too charitable for their own good." Luca seemed bored as if listening to his father talk about show crabs would've been more exciting.

"I was surprised when I got back from school that first year and you told me Massimo adopted you. I'm still waiting to see how long it'll take him to realize how disappointing you are."

Alberto was fully crying now, body racked with sobs. He tried looking down, hiding his face, anything to try to block Luca out, but no matter what he did he was still caught with those brown eyes looking back at him.

"It won't take long, I assure you." A different voice said, low and gruff. Massimo. "I was right about you from the start. I thought I'd take you in and give you a chance, but all you did was make my life harder."

Massimo emerged from the darkness, his eyebrows and mustache not hiding an ounce of his resentment for the boy. Down by his side, the large man held a harpoon. 

"Do you know how much it cost to have you? You ate like a monster, you would break something new every time I turned around for a moment. You were impossible, you ARE impossible. You are simply too much for anyone to deal with." Massimo said, almost sadly shaking his head at his adoptive son.

"Hehehe, you think that's gonna get him?" The voice inside of Alberto's head said, but this time it wasn't in his head. Alberto tried to glance around to try and find the source of the voice before seeing him. Alberto thought he was looking in a mirror before noticing the gray hairs mixed into the copper curls along with the dark gray eyes that almost looked black in the dim lighting. Dad. 

"No, but this will," Luca said, taking the harpoon from Massimo's hand and pointing it right at Alberto's heart. "Ciao, Alberto." 


Alberto shot up out of bed. He was breathing heavily with sweat and tears pouring from him. He hadn't realized he was screaming until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Amore? What's wrong?" 

Alberto turned to see Luca once again. But this time his eyes were soft, warm, and full of nothing but concern. Alberto didn't speak as he put his head in his hands and cried once more. He felt shuffling around him before a warm hand was rubbing his back and Luca's soft voice whispered comfortingly to him.

"It's okay caro, it was just a dream, I'm right here."

Eventually, Alberto settled down enough and laid his head in Luca's lap. The brown-eyed boy holding his hand, and playing with his hair while Alberto let out the last of the tears.

"Okay, tesoro," Luca said gently, "do you want to talk about it or go back to sleep?"

Alberto took a deep breath and nuzzled into Luca's thigh before starting. "I had a dream, you were there, but you were laughing at me, calling me pathetic, saying you never loved me."

Luca said nothing but squeezed Alberto's hand three times. I love you

"And papa was there, saying that I made his life harder. How he wished that he hadn't taken me in." Alberto paused, thinking about the third character from his dream. Luca leaned forward and kissed his forehead as if giving him a chance to end the conversation if it was too hard to talk about. Alberto took a deep breath before continuing, "He was there too."

Luca didn't have to ask who He was, Luca could tell just by the way the older man seemed to recoil back into the scary little boy he met so long ago.

"And what did He say, amore?" Luca asked quietly.

"Not much, He just seemed disappointed in you and Massimo's jabs at me." Alberto turned to face Luca, who still held concern but also looked as if he was ready to use his claws and rip open someone's throat. "His insults were always worse somehow."

Luca sat Alberto up before pressing their lips together. Alberto could feel Luca's face, not wet with tears of his own. Alberto pulled Luca into his lap so they could be ever closer. Luca kissed Alberto with every bit of love he had, trying to let Alberto know that nothing from that horrid dream was factual. 

Alberto pulled away and rested his forehead against Luca's, both boys in tears now. "The worst part of all is that is ended by you harpooning me," Alberto whispered so low Luca almost couldn't hear him.

"Oh angelo, I would never tesoro, ti amo mio caro, I could never hurt you amore."

Luca kissed him once more, whispering ti amos and cuore mios into the older's mouth. Eventually, they laid down together once more, Alberto's head tucked into Luca's chest while Luca held his love protectively. Luca played with Alberto's hair and whispered sweet nothings until the older's breathing fell even. Luca kissed into the curls his fingers were threaded through and whispered, "Nessuno ti fara piu del male, te lo prometto. Dormi bene, vita mia.

And with that, the two men fell asleep in each other's arms once again. But this time Alberto dreamed of his life with Luca, and what adventures they'll endure together.


hey, girl heyyyyy. so sorry that this one was big sad. I was feeling big sad and decided that "hey since me and Alberto are basically the same person, why not make Alberto big sad too?" so that's what I did. I think in the end it turned out cute with all the Italian and such. Anyways please comment, I love replying to them and I know y'all have big emotions about this one so lemme hear them. Also, leave recommendations because my brain is small and I bet you guys have awesome ideas as well. anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you next time <3

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