The Return Part 4

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Luca and Alberto stepped into the surf, the chilled water of the sea causing the change to ripple over their legs. Alberto was walking a few paces behind the younger boy and took time to admire the jade scales and tail that bloomed when Luca's hips hit the water. From there, they dove beneath the waves and started truly swimming in the way their siren forms intended. Alberto's muscled tail propelled him forward with ease, being used to swimming through these waters because of his job as a fisherman. Luca, however, started to lag behind. Being at school must've kept him from being able to swim, Alberto thought to himself.

The boys continued on their way to the island, bodies twirling around each other leisurely and occasionally powering themselves to jump out of the water. Luca watched and Alberto's periwinkle body arced in the air, seemingly having mastered the move. Luca pushed himself out of the water and attempted to dive back in gracefully. Keyword, attempted. In actuality, Luca more or less belly-flopped, hitting the surface of the water with a loud SMACK. As he sank back into the water, he silently thanked the sea gods that his blush was hidden beneath his scales because he was sure he would look like a tomato if he was out of water. He turned to face Alberto who was coming down from a fit of giggles.

"Stop laughing, that hurt," Luca whined, rubbing his chest where he took most of the impact.

"Sorry, sorry," Alberto sighed, trying to catch his breath," but that was hilarious!"

Luca pouted in reply before Alberto continued, "okay I'm done..." his eyes seemed to light up with an idea before a mischievous grin spread across his face, revealing his sharp teeth, "Wanna race?"

Luca looked at the older sea monster for a second before breaking into a smile of his own. Without a word, Luca sped off towards the island.

"Oh no you don't," Alberto said with a playful tone before chasing after him. 

Luca led them through many obstacles on the way, knowing he would have to outsmart Alberto rather than outswim him. He ducked behind rocks and through patches of kelp, using his small reef-dweller frame to his advantage. Luca took a second behind a boulder to catch his breath, looking over one shoulder to see if Alberto had spotted him. After half a minute, Luca was about to continue on before he was tackled by a familiar form from behind.

"GOTCHA!" Alberto exclaimed as he held Luca, spinning them around on the spot.

The green siren couldn't help but laugh at Alberto, incredibly fond of just how proud of himself the older was for catching him. Alberto eventually released Luca from his grip, instead grasping his hand to lead them to the island. 

Their hands remained connected as they walked the rocky shore. Alberto could feel the nerves creeping up from the back of his mind. What am I doing here? He doesn't feel the same, why would he? I'm just a kid who grew up separated from the entire world, not even my biological father wanted me, so why would Luca? Alberto hadn't realized he stopped walking until he felt a squeeze on his hand. Luca was looking at him worriedly.

"You okay, Beto?" Luca asked gently, studying his face for clues as to what was happening in his best friend's head."Is it the island, we can go somewhere else if this place brings up too many bad memories."

Alberto smiled at that. Luca was usually affectionate with his friends but Alberto knew that this side of Luca, the gentle and caring and always knowing how to calm his nerves side, was saved for him. The Luca that could feel his anxiety and snuff it out like a candle, the Luca that just knew when something was off, that Luca was rarely shown to anyone else, even Giulia had only seen him like this when she was outwardly worried. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," Alberto said, shaking his head to get rid of the negative thoughts, "I have something to show you and I'm worried you won't like it at all."

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