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It was summer in Portorosso. The scent of the sea filled the narrow streets as the fishermen rose with the sun, hoping for a big catch. Among those fishermen was Alberto Marcovaldo, who during the summer was chronically behind schedule because his boyfriend, Luca, was back from school. Alberto didn't want to admit it but he, and pretty much everyone in town, knew that his life revolved around Luca. During the school year, Alberto worked to save up money for their Vespa and sent whatever he could to Luca through the mail along with other gifts. 

Luca loved every single thing Alberto had sent him. Whether it was a crude drawing he sent in the first week that Luca was at school or the sweetly written love letter containing promises of their future together and a silver necklace that had the older boy's name inscribed on it so "everyone would know you're mine" Luca loved it all because it was from him. However, he still held guilt. They had this conversation in person a few times over the years and even more over the phone, but Luca's gut still felt heavy with the worry that he didn't do enough for his boyfriend. 

Luca bought him gifts and sent eloquently written love letters and poems dedicated to the tanned young man, but he still felt inadequate, as if Alberto would realize that he's giving Luca so much and barely getting anything in return. Alberto always assured him that just loving him was enough. Writing letters to him, calling him, using the gifts he'd gotten, hell, even just thinking about him was enough for Alberto. But Luca had something else in mind.

So there Luca was, sitting in the Marcovaldo's kitchen, sipping on an espresso. He had been thinking about it all summer, some gesture he could do to prove to Alberto that he was worthy of the green-eyed teen's love. Giulia came downstairs, still in her pajamas, and poured herself a latte before sitting down across from Luca, a sleepy grin on her face.

"Buongiorno, Luca," She said before taking a drink from her mug, "papa and Berto still out?"

Luca nodded, "si, they should be back in half an hour so you better finish that up and get ready to make the deliveries," he said after glancing at the clock.

Giulia groaned in response before asking, "And what are your plans for the day?" 

"Well I'm supposed to go help my nonna look for sea cucumbers after lunch but I'll be able to meet Beto at the beach while he's finishing up with his lifeguarding duties."

Giulia simply hummed in approval before making her way back upstairs to get ready for the day. Luca took a moment to appreciate his family. His parents and nonna still lived underwater but would come to the surface for dinner at least once a week. He thought about his best friend and her parents. Guilia's mama, Maria, had never met him and took him in and treated him as her own for the past four years. And Massimo had insisted that his door was always open to Luca and his family, if they needed anything he would do his best to help. Luca would be lying if he said he hadn't cried over the sentiment. Luca thought of Giulia. His best friend with an attitude so fiery it matched her hair. She was the first human to see Luca as something other than a beast, insisting on changing the ways of Portorosso that the term "sea monster" was never used, instead being referred to as sirens or sea folk. She taught him about school and astronomy, she advocated for him when he couldn't stand up for himself, she was the perfect best friend. Finally, Luca thought of Alberto.

Alberto and his green eyes that lit up whenever he had an idea, the same eyes that filled with tears every time they held each other on the train station platform. Alberto and his dirty brown curls that had grown long in the back, now usually tied back into a ponytail. Alberto and his hair that ended splayed out under his head when he laid down. Alberto and the way his face flushed and pupils went wide every time Luca kissed him. Alberto and his strong arms that wrapped Luca in protective embraces, keeping the younger safe from anything and everything. Alberto and his broad, freckled shoulders that were flaunted perfectly whenever he wore a tank top.  Alberto and his tanned skin that stretched over his pectoral and abdominal muscles, showing every ripple of movement when Luca was graced with the view of Alberto shirtless. Alberto and his strong calloused hands that were never too cold and fit on Luca's hips and waist and hands and hair and ass like they were made to hold him. 

Luca blushed as he realized where his thoughts were heading and redirected his train of thought. Luca thought about everything Alberto had done for him. Alberto was the reason he was on the surface at all. Alberto was the reason he was able to pursue an education. Alberto was the reason he was who he was today. Luca's heart sank once more. Why did Alberto stay with him? He was gone most of the year and was almost always busy with school work. Alberto deserved someone who could give him all that love back and then some, and Luca wasn't that. 

A tear rolled down his cheek as the front door opened, revealing Alberto and Massimo, both looking in need of a shower. Luca wiped the tear off on the back of his hand before turning to greet them with a smile.

"Ciao, good catch today?"

Alberto grinned and bounded over to his boyfriend, giving Luca a kiss on the forehead before sitting down next to him, "obviously, I am basically the greatest fisherman in the world, besides my papa of course." 

Massimo let out a chuckle before turning to the stairs and calling for Giulia, who came running down the stairs in fresh clothes. Giulia sped off out the door to make the deliveries and Massimo calmly followed after her, setting up in the market. Once both had left, Alberto turned to Luca, eyes full of concern.

"Are you okay?" Alberto asked, laying a hand on top of Luca's.

"What do you mean, Beto? I'm fine." Luca gave a slight smile to his boyfriend, hoping the older couldn't read him like a book.

"Don't lie to me, amore," of course he could," I saw you wipe off a tear when we came in, what were you thinking about?"

Luca sighed, deflating as the thoughts entered his mind once more. "I just- why me? Everyone in Portorosso looks at you like you were hand-sculpted by the gods, they can give you so much that I can't. So why me?" More tears welled up in Luca's eyes as he let out a shaky breath.

"Why you?" Alberto repeated while he kneeled in front of Luca, forcing them to make eye contact. "Tesoro, you're the only one I want. I need you. I know you feel as if you don't do enough for me but you do more than anyone else could. You got me off the island caro. You showed me that I was capable of loving and being loved in return. You see me for every side of me. You see me when I'm confident and ready to take on anything. You see me when I'm caring and too worried about hurting other people that I forget about myself. You see me as that sad, hurt little boy who spent years in that tower, hungry and cold, wanting nothing more than a home. You see me at my best and my worst and still love me. I don't need gifts or love letters, although I do love them so please don't stop, or grand gestures. I want you and that's it. As long as you'll have me I'll want you."

Both boys were in tears now, clinging to each other as they let themselves feel the raw emotion hanging in the room. They stayed this way for a while, god knows how long, before Luca rested his head in the crook of Alberto's neck, feeling scales against his cheek before sighing.

"I love you, Beto," he whispered, "I always have, and I always will."

"I love you too Luca, please always remember that."

And there the boys remained, Alberto kneeling on the floor and Luca sitting on a chair with his head tucked to Alberto's neck. They thought of nothing but each other.


here's a nice little one-parter that my brain decided it wanted to spit out. We've got a little more hurt/comfort here and I think it ended up super cute.

feel free to leave your own recommendations or headcanons and I'll see what I can do. until next time <3

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