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It was the end of May. Final exams were right around the corner and to say that Luca was stressed would be an understatement. Luca had done well in all of his classes this year but he studied relentlessly throughout the whole month. Now, it was the last Friday before exam week and Luca was not doing great.

"Santa gorgonzola, you need to take care of yourself!" Giulia said from the doorway, obviously frustrated with the brunette's behavior. 

Luca was sitting at his desk in his room at Maria's. He had been studying since getting back from school and refused to leave to eat dinner. Giulia and Maria were both worried for the boy, trying to come up with ways to convince Luca to take a break for just a few minutes. They had tried telling him that his family would be worried if they knew how he was acting. That didn't work. They tried saying that Alberto would be upset because he's the reason Luca is at school in the first place. Luca had reacted to that but had gone back to his books a minute later.

"I'll be fine Giules, I just have to get through the rest of this book and one more." 

Luca didn't even look up at the girl, he just waved a hand at her dismissively before focusing on his studying once more.  Giulia would have been surprised at the apathetic response if she hadn't seen him like this all week.

"Have you even written to Alberto this week? You know he'll freak out if he doesn't get it by tonight."

Luca sat up straight at his desk. He had been so focused on studying that he hadn't written to Alberto this week. Luca always makes sure to send his letters out by Wednesday so Alberto would have them by the weekend. Luca's stomach dropped at the realization. Surely Alberto would realize how busy Luca has been and wouldn't get upset from missing one letter, right?

Luca's train of thought was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. Giulia rolled her eyes and turned to look down the hallway where she saw her mother answer the phone. Maria greeted the person on the line and caught Giulia's eye, gesturing for her to get Luca. 

"It's for you." was all Giulia said before turning and walking to her own room. 

Luca stood and cracked his back, only now realizing he has been hunched over for an ungodly long time. Luca exited his room and walked towards the table that held the phone, Maria was chatting politely into it when she saw Luca.

"Oh, he's here now. I'll talk to you later, ciao." Maria called into the phone before passing the device to Luca and heading to her room as well.

"Hello?" Luca spoke into the phone.

"Luca? Is that you? Are you okay? Are you dead? Do I need to call the police? I don't know how to call the police but if you need me to I will." Alberto rambled, obviously anxious about something.

"I'm fine, Beto," Luca tried to ignore the blush on his cheeks at the thought of Alberto caring so much for him. "I'm okay, now what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Alberto asked sarcastically, "Merda, Luca, I always get your letters by now. You haven't missed sending one in three years. Of course I'm worried about you!"

Something finally clicked in Luca's head. It could be the facade Luca had put up in order to not feel bad about studying rather than being with his friends, or maybe it was him realizing that people were actually worried about him. Either way, tears welled in his eyes as he finally fell down to earth. 

"S-sorry, Beto." Luca said through sniffles, "Exams are next week and I've been really worried about them an-and I d-don't know if I can pass."

"Hey, Luca, mio stellino, you'll be okay. Silenzio, Bruno. Remember?" Alberto tried to comfort Luca.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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