My idea of who they are

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Hey guys, this isn't an actual one-shot or anything but I thought it would be fun to tell you about what I think the boys are like as they get older. 


-goes to school in Genova and lives with Maria and Giulia

-travels back to Portorosso during summer and spends weekends with his family so he can have more time on land

-he s NOT a morning person, like would sleep until 2 pm if you let him vibe

-through the years he tries different hairstyles but he ends up being attached to his natural mess of curls

-his favorite subjects are astronomy and literature, and he absolutely loathes the religion classes he has to take before going to university

-he wears glasses and they are very big and adorable

-he graduates as valedictorian and his speech doesn't go as planned

-it was still very good though ;)

-moves into an apartment with Alberto and Giulia for uni

-he and Alberto stay up late together a lot and Giulia does not appreciate hearing them when she's trying to sleep

- he's also addicted to coffee

-lattes are his favorite

-his favorite flowers are lavender and edelweiss

-he had a very hard time adjusting to school and didn't tell anyone besides Alberto and Giulia

-he knew he loved Alberto from the moment their hands slipped out of each other at the train station and spent a good amount of time in Genova just waiting for Alberto's hand to hold his again

-he talked everyone's ear off about Alberto and his green eyes and his strong arms and his infectious laughter and his- well, let's just say no one was surprised when they started dating

- he is secretly terrified that he's not good enough for Alberto but that is not true because he saved Alberto and Alberto saved him and they're in love fight me

-sometimes he forgets that Alberto doesn't know sea-folk customs and tried to officially court him many times while dating so they could be mates

-Luca feels very silly and frustrated at himself when he realizes that the gifts and gestures don't mean anything special to Alberto, he thinks Luca is just giving him presents and being extra affectionate

- when they get married Luca takes Alberto's last name

- can't decide if he wants to become an astronomer in Genova or start a school in Portorosso

-the decision is made for him when an observatory was built just outside of Portorosso

-both he and Giulia get jobs there

-he loves domestic bliss


-knew he loved Luca by the end of the Portorosso Cup

-has hella trauma and Massimo made sure he went to an actual therapist

-he and Massimo traveled to Genova along with the Paguros for Christmas

-Massimo also officially adopted him for Christmas

-Alberto took the last name Marcovaldo

-Giulia spent a good portion of her Christmas break calling him "fratello" and saying "our papa" to drive the point home

-Alberto had never felt so loved and cried every night in Genova hugging Luca, Luca cried and held him close because Alberto deserved to know he was loved every second of every day

-Alberto found out that getting on the train to leave your best friend might've been harder than watching your best friend leave

-they called as soon as Alberto was home and fell asleep on the phone, dried tears staining both of their cheeks

-always made sure that everything was exactly how Luca liked it before going to pick up his crush and sister from the train station

-he also made sure we would have to work as little as possible during the summer because he wanted to spend all his time with Luca

-grew his hair out past his shoulders

-it looks very nice in a pony-tail

-Alberto likes how Luca looks at him when he has his hair up

-over the years a lot of people flirted with Alberto. Boys and girls both, but even before they were together Alberto would deflect any of their attractions and say, "Mi dispaice, ma il mio cuore e a Genova."

-Massimo realizes that Alberto's in love pretty much right away and talked to him about it, Alberto realized that it was okay to be gay

-Massimo also talked to Daniela and Lorenzo and they told him that they were supportive (Massimo was glad he wouldn't have to beat up his son's crushes' parents)

-also everyone in Portorosso loved Alberto

-like he knew everyone and had inside jokes with all the residents

-the entire town missed him whenever he would go to Genova to see Luca (and Giulia)

-when the town heard that the underdogs were all moving back they literally cheered

-Alberto was the sole reason that Luca's valedictorian speech didn't go as planned

-but this is arguably better

-Alberto is a fisherman through and through, the other guys take to him right away

-when Massimo retires Alberto runs Marcovaldo Pescheria

-he was ready to follow Luca anywhere

-he enjoyed working on trucks and Vespas

-he also basically built the Vespa that he and Luca used to travel Europe

-Alberto asked Daniela and Lorenzo for permission to marry Luca and they asked if he was sure because he could do better, he assured them that no one could be better than Luca

-loves setting up grand gestures and he knows it makes Luca feel special

-he doesn't even really know his sexuality because it's always been Luca


-Luca and Alberto get married in Portorosso and spend their summers together re-building the tower to make it their home

-Giulia officiates the wedding

-they try to incorporate both human and sea-folk traditions into the ceremony

-They really only invite their family but the entire town and underwater village come to see them

-Giulia is a lesbian and her girlfriend moves in and they share an apartment in Portorosso

-Massimo is always the best and will remain that way forever

-Luca and Alberto get a dog shortly after Luca starts work at the observatory

-they also adopt a 13-year-old girl because they know how important it is for teens to have supportive homes

-Giulia is the best aunt

-When Massimo dies the underdogs are out of it for months afterward, the town works together to help them

-the Marcovaldo Pescheria is eventually turned into the Marcovaldo bed&breakfast, run by our two favorite couples

-Luca and Alberto spend a lot of their older days sitting on the porch, overlooking the sea and reminiscing 

-they fall asleep in each other's arms every night and have kept it that way since they were 17

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