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"Just make sure it's okay, and don't tell anyone, got it? This needs to be perfect." 

"Dio mio, it's Luca, Fratello, it's going to be okay no matter how badly you mess it up."

Alberto grumbled at his sister over the phone, "Listen, I have a week before I'm supposed to head up there and I need you to help me work out all the details. You're my Sorella and his best friend. You're the only one who could make sure I get this right, so will you help? Please?"

"Stop being such a baby," Alberto almost made out through the static of Giulia's laughter, "okay, okay, I'll talk to the preside and get it worked out o this end. And of course, I won't tell Luca.

"Thanks, Giules, I owe you big time, no I gotta go help papa. I'll see you next week!"

Alberto hung up the phone after Giulia said her goodbyes and left to go help Massimo move the last of the empty crates inside. He then ran up to his room to change into swimming gear before making his way to the beach and into the water. Alberto always loved the feeling of the change rippling over his body, and the first breath of water that his gills brought in always seemed to calm him. But as much as he would love to sit there, floating in the water for the rest of the day, he did have plans to arrange.

Alberto swam into the small underwater village, Coralina if he remembers what Luca had said years earlier. He made his way through the rows of rock houses, greeting the sea-folk that had come to recognize him after he had made so many trips down to see the Paguro family. Shortly, Alberto reached his destination and knocked on the side of the entrance to the home while calling out, "Ciao, Paguros!"

Daniela called from the kitchen as Alberto entered, "Oh Alberto, it's so nice of you to visit, I was just making lunch."

Alberto swam into the kitchen where Daniela was standing at the counter, wrapping shrimp with kelp. Lorenzo and Nonna were both sitting at the table, seeming as though they were waiting for him. Alberto gave Daniela a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, doing the same with Nonna and shaking hands with Lorenzo. 

Alberto took a seat as Nonna started, "So what brings you down here guppy?" 

Alberto smiled at the older woman, he never admitted that he appreciated the nickname but he felt as though she could tell anyway. 

"Well, you all know that I'm planning on asking Luca to marry me," he said, trying to muster his courage, "and I was thinking about doing it at his graduation. He's the valedictorian and Giulia said that he'll write a speech and get up in front of everyone and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to surprise him."

From where Alberto was sitting he could see Daniela freeze, tensing up with her back turned. Alberto felt all the blood in his body drain away, leaving him icy and terrified. "Scusi, signora, if you don't think it's a good ide-"

He was cut off by Daniela's arms wrapping around him, her tears mixing with the water. "Alberto, of course, it's a good idea, maybe even the best idea!" She blubbered out between sobs, "Oh I'm so excited for my little Luca! You're so good to him and this is even better! If he doesn't say yes I will personally beat the scales off that boy."

Lorenzo grabbed his wife from Alberto, apologizing for her hysterics while agreeing that Luca was very lucky. Daniela calmed herself and continued preparing lunch before sitting down at the table a serving everyone.

"so, ya nervous?" Nonna asked before biting into her wrap.

Alberto gulped, of course she could always see right through him. He swallowed his bite before turning to her, "Uh yeah, I guess. I mean, who wouldn't be a little scared? I am going to ask the most important person in my life the biggest question of my life so it seems pretty reasonable."

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