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This day started off the same as any during a Portorosso summer. Luca woke up at sunrise with Alberto, kissing his boyfriend goodbye as he left for work before catching a few more hours of sleep. Luca had gone downstairs in time to have breakfast with Giulia before Massimo and Alberto got back and Giulia went to go make the deliveries. Alberto had a quick snack before going to take a shower and leaving for his shift at the lifeguard post. Luca sat either on the couch or out in the hideout to read a book while he waited for Giulia to be finished with the deliveries and the excitement of the day began. 

The routine was satisfying for Luca. He took comfort in knowing he would be able to spend time with his loved ones every day and flittering between them as they had a clear spot in their schedule. And so when Giulia came back and suggested that they go get gelato and then to the beach, just as normal,  Luca was more than happy to go along. They both changed into their swimsuits, covering up with a t-shirt that would be shed at the water's edge before heading out.

At the gelateria, Luca got his usual tiramisu along with Alberto's cioccolata con peperoncino. Luca would never understand why his boyfriend enjoyed the sweet treat with chili peppers in it, but Alberto loved it so he always made sure to grab the obscure flavor for him. Giulia always tried to pick a different flavor and decided to try this week's flavor of puffo which was supposedly a mixture between black licorice and bubble gum and was bright blue in color. Luca also never understood Giulia's goal of always ordering something different, but that wasn't his business, was it?

The two teens made their way through the piazza and down towards the beach before something made Luca stop dead in his tracks. Luca saw his boyfriend, standing on the beach wearing his red salvataggio tank top and that sinfully tight tachimetro. But instead of his gaze being pointed towards the water, Alberto's head was thrown back in laughter as he had a conversation with two girls in very revealing bikinis. Luca's eyes narrowed and he could barely feel the crunch of the two cones breaking in his grasp. He came to his senses for a moment when Giulia put her hand on his shoulder.

"You're growling," she said, seeming slightly frightened.

Luca took a deep breath, throwing the cones of gelato in the nearest trash can. He straightened his back and marched towards the beach, his eyes on Alberto. As if Alberto could feel his presence, the older boy turned and smiled upon seeing the brown-eyed boy.

"Hey, Luca! Come here!" Alberto called while waving his arms as if he didn't already have Luca's attention. God he was such a dork, Luca thought to himself, but he's my dork.

Luca made his way over to the taller man, reaching up to wrap his arms around Alberto's neck as they embraced.

"Hey, Tesoro, I missed you," Luca said while glancing at the girls out of the corner of his eye, a small smirk on his face. 

"I missed you too, Bellissimo," Alberto brought one of his from Luca's waist, instead deciding to pinch the soft flesh of the younger's ass, earning a yelp of surprise.

Luca blushed furiously as he hid his face in Alberto's chest. "Beto! We're in public!"

Alberto laughed in response, Luca feeling the vibrations from his chest. Alberto caught his breath before pulling Luca to stand beside him, facing the girls who were now beet-red with embarrassment. "Scusi, ladies. Let me introduce you to the love of my life, Luca Paguro." Alberto squeezed Luca's waist tighter while gesturing to him with the other hand. 

"C-ciao L-Luca," One of the girls blabbered out, obviously wishing she was anywhere else. "We have to get going now, though. BYE," She called as she grabbed her friend's wrist and all but ran away.

As Luca was enjoying the sight of the two girls leaving, defeated, Giulia approached clapping slowly.

"Way to go, Luca," She sighed sarcastically," scaring two more people away from your mate. That's what? Seven this month?"

Alberto pulled Luca into his chest once more, letting out a light chuckle at his Sorella. "Actually it's eight. There was one earlier this week that you missed." 

Alberto leaned down to kiss Luca's forehead when he felt the younger boy tense up, embarrassed. "Don't worry Caro, I find it exceptionally adorable when you get jealous. And when you get possessive and start calling me yours? The most attractive thing ever." He whispered.

"Well before this gets any sappier, I'm headed out, see ya at lunch," Giulia called before walking away, still enjoying her gelato. 

"You could tell I was jealous, couldn't you?" Luca grumbled into Alberto's shirt.

"I heard you growl and saw you throw away our gelato. I can read you like a book, babe."

"You heard that? From all the way over here?" Luca pulled back in surprise.

"Well, less heard and more felt," Alberto explained, " you are my mate after all."

Luca blushed at the word. It was true, after accidentally courting for two years and then dating for another two, they had officially mated. The words mate and mated meant a lot more to Luca than they had to Alberto since he grew up in the underwater village. This is precisely why Alberto chose those words whenever he could feel that Luca needed extra assurance. Mating was a life-long promise, something that couldn't be undone, a vow that they would love each other in life and death. 

Alberto was Luca's. Luca was Alberto's. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The boys belonged to each other and nothing would change that.


he guys, this is shorter than I usually like to post but the concept of possessive Luca is one of my favorites and I had to get it out of my brain. I hope you guys like it <3

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