12. Cole Wilde^

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A/N on the side is my sunshine, Ashton Irwin, who is playing new character Cole Wilde. I think you'll all love Cole like I do :)


I jerked awake from my slumber so early the next morning that the dormitory was dark and quiet, nobody arguing over shower time or make-up. Fumbling for my alarm, I saw it was only half four in the morning, and I whined, throwing myself onto my pillows.

On the day I needed the most sleep, I wake up early. Typical.

Rolling over, I tried to sleep again, but failed. The sounds of thunder and lightning that lit up the window were distracting, but also made me home-sick.

I remembered how when Hollie was really little--two or three-she'd creep into my room with a teary face, demanding we go in to make sure Lacey was okay. The three of us would squish into Lacey's messy bed and hug each other, Lacey singing out-of-tune nursery rhymes for Hollie until she'd stop sniffling and burrow under our arms like a little mouse.

Turning away from the photo of my sisters on my bed-side table, I thought again of how it was my first Quidditch match, and how it was in such poor conditions. Feeling sick, I dressed into my Quidditch gear and grabbed my borrowed broom.

Creeping down to the common room, I found my brother sat in front of the fire, exhausted, also in his uniform. Flopping down next to him, I gave him a tired smile.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?"

Harry rested his head on my shoulder and shook his head. "Stupid Peeves woke me up, and now I'm worrying about the match."

"You'll be fine, you idiot." I patted his messy hair. "Just make sure I don't get blown away from the wind."

The two of us giggled and then sat there talking for the next few hours, talking about childhood and pointless gossip travelling around the school (a lot about the transfer student Cole Wilde, and how he apparently was a mass-murderer).

Then the sun finally rose (barely visible through the dark foreboding clouds) and we stretched and headed to the Great Hall.

We were the only members of the team up, and pretty much some of the only people in the entire school. With shaking hands Harry helped me pour a cup of tea for myself, but I didn't touch it, simply wrapping my hands around its warmth, picking apart the muffin.

Hearing a squeak of wet trainers on the stone floor, I turned around to see an unfamiliar boy approaching us. He gave me a little wave as if I knew him, and I awkwardly waved at him back to be polite.

"Hey!" he said brightly as he reached us. "Are you Aurora Oswin, or just really friendly?"

"Both, I guess?" I smiled at the apparent new boy. "Are you Cole Wilde?"

"That's what is says on my birth ceritificate!" He said brightly, and he certainly didn't look like a mass-murderer like the rumours going around.

He looked really normal, blondish-brown hair with a long fringe that was stuck to his forehead from the rain. His eyes were a hazel-green, the brightness of them lighting up the dark hall. He was quite tall and looked out of place with his scruffy trainers and too-long ripped jeans.

"Well any who, I'm new here, and this teacher-Gonagall or something, said to find you, since you're like new as well." He said, rolling on the balls of his feet.

"What house are you in?" Harry asked.

Cole looked excited at seeing Harry. "Oh wow, you're Harry Potter! Big fan of your work... well defeating Voldemort, well you don't know how you did it, but yeah...." He coughed, looking flustered. "I'm Gryffindor."

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