3. Genesis Lupin ^

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With a loud cracking sound, I was almost knocked off my feet as we arrived in a small, darkened village. The world was still spinning, bile rising up in my throat. I barely lasted a couple minutes before I was sick into somebody's bush.

When the world decided to stay horizontal again, I chewed on a chewing gum to get rid of the disgusting taste, re-joining Dumbledore. "What the hell was that?" I asked. "I would much rather take the train ride to get here next time, thank you."

"That was apparating. In a few years you may want to learn it. It's very useful when in a rush." Dumbledore said. He glanced just ahead of him. "Ah yes, Remus and Genesis are in, that's good."

I followed Dumbledore up broken concrete path to a small, neglected cottage with broken roof tiles and overgrown grass. Hesitantly I hovered behind Dumbledore as he rang the doorbell, which made a sound like a barn owl.

A shadow appeared in the stained glass door window, and then the click of a lock was audibly heard. Then the door was opened, to reveal a girl of about my age. I assumed she was Genesis.

Genesis had long blonde hair streaked with pink and blue, it's large texture making it look like she had a mane. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown, though she looked tired with visible purple bags under them. But she put on a tired smile, folding her arms over a faded GAP hoodie.

"Evening, Professor." She smiled. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Aurora," Dumbledore said, gesturing to me as I gave her a little hesitant wave. "I believe your father has mentioned her before."

Genesis's eyes widened as she took in my appearance, especially my eyes, before mumbling, "Oh, well you'd best better come in. Dad and I were just watching a video."

Dumbledore and I entered the house, which smelled faintly of wet dog and damp. I felt almost intimidated following my so-called godsister, especially since all the photos lining the hall were moving.

"You'll get used to them moving, it's like those GIF things muggles have." She shrugged, noticing my staring. "Come on in."

We followed her through a door with the hinges falling off, depositing my suitcase by the door. The living room was small and cluttered, large over-stuffed bookcases taking up most of the room. A small television was playing some comedy, the on-screen laughter compensating for the awkward silence.

A man was sat on a sofa, and looked up as we entered. "Gennie, who- Oh my god..."

"I know." Genesis said grimly to her dad. "I think Dumbledore found her, dad."

"Hi," I said shyly, scratching at my hand from nerves.

My godfather stood up in shock at the sight of me, and startlingly, he looked familiar. His face was covered in faded scars, skin sickly pale. He looked really old as well, greying hair and dark circles under his eyes, even though he was probably only mid-thirties.

"Dumbledore... What... Why?" Remus spluttered. "I don't understand. Who are you, girl?"

"Um, I'm Aurora Oswin." I squeaked. "And I got a Hogwarts letter this morning."

With the silence over-bearing in the room I pulled out the letter and passed it to him. He read the letter over a few times, his eyes pausing on the first sentence. He looked up, astonished. "It's really you... after all this time, I... I'd given up hope."

"After I found out my parents were dead, I... I thought I didn't have anybody left apart from my brother." I said in a small voice, tears budding in my eyes. "But now I have two people."

"Yes, you have us, so don't cry." Remus said sternly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You... You look a lot like your mother."

"Really, I do?" I said, happiness swelling up inside of me.

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