13. The secret tunnel^

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We ended up having to stay in the hospital wing for the whole weekend, but ended up being more fun when I moved over to the bed next to Harry. We kept each other company, though I nagged him a lot to get rid of the remains of his own broken broomstick.

We had plenty of visitors to fill the void of not being in the main school. Hagrid dropped in to give us bunches of magical flowers (that looked like giant cabbages) and Alia was always available to give us all the gossip and rumours going around.

But I couldn't bring myself to tell about the dog I'd seen in the rain, the possible grim. For a second, it looked like the stray dog I'd seen on my birthday. But surely a stray dog couldn't travel hundreds and hundreds of miles to find me, could it?

Though my thoughts kept drifting back to my mother in those moments in the day when Harry fell asleep. I couldn't see her face, even if I strained my mind to full capacity, just a hazy outline of a smiling woman. I feared that I couldn't see her because of my memory wipe, and it made me upset that I couldn't hold onto the image of my mother.

But on Monday, Harry and I escaped the hospital wing, and finally, I could concentrate on other things.

Things like Draco Malfoy.

He'd taken off his bandages, declaring he was fully recovered. He still did impressions of Harry falling off his broomstick, but never of me. It made me wonder if there was truth to his words, if he actually did consider us friends.

But of course, in potions Malfoy spent most of the time doing dementor impressions and Cole snapped, throwing a crocodile heart in Malfoy's face, calling him something that rhymed with 'mother-chucker'. As amazing as it was, Cole lost us fifty points.

"Wow, I swear your temper is shorter than Ron's attention span." Gennie chuckled as the six of us headed to defence after the heart incident. Cole was now an official member of our friendship group, and everybody had warmed to him quick.

"What?" Ron said, and we all laughed.

"Hey, Gennie, he was making fun of my friends, he wouldn't like it if I did it to his, right?" Cole said, pushing his fringe back, trying to sound smart. "Plus, it was fun."

"Wow, that was profound, Cole. You might as well be Stephen Hawking." I rolled my eyes.

"Who?" Ron and Cole said at once.

The rest of us laughed, and Ron huffed, "If we have Snape again, I'm bunking off."

"Don't worry, he's in." Gennie reassured. "I talked to him this morning."

"Don't think you could bribe him to give me top grades?" Cole said hopefully.

Gennie winked at him. "At least buy me a drink first, and I'll think about it."

"But my mum stopped my pocket money," Cole whined, and Gennie laughed at him, and grabbing Cole's forearm I led him into the class.

Remus looked a lot better, even giving Gennie a quick hug and bar of chocolate when he emerged from the door that led to his office. As soon as the last person stepped through the door and he'd sat at his desk, the complaints started

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves --"

"Two rolls of parchment dad, honestly!" Gennie exclaimed.

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked, frowning slightly.

The babble broke out again.

"Yes, but he said we were really behind --"

"-- he wouldn't listen --"

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