15. Merry Christmas (kiss my ass)^

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A/N If you understand the chapter title, ily

Almost in a dream like state I wandered back to the tower, tossing and twirling Draco's mysterious present in my hands. Draco.... Draco, Draco, Draco.... It was weird to call him that, considering I'd hated him for the last few months.

But what was it Jenna always told me? People can change for the better sometimes, and when they offer that, stick around to see if they keep the promise. Well, I was sticking around to see. And it was weird; he was an entirely different person in front of me, somebody I could really grow to like....

I almost twirled around a column at the euphoric happiness at how wonderful Christmas was turning out.... I stumbled over my feet at the thought I'd actually need to buy something for him now.

Starting to panic now, I sped up my pace; trying to think of which of my male friends I could ask for advice on a gift-because what could you buy a boy-a wizard boy?

Should I ask Fred or George? No, they'd make fun of me for certain.

Ron? No, he'd make out like Draco was an axe-murderer.

Harry? Nope, that was opening Pandora's Box if I mentioned I was friends with his worst enemy!

Seamus? I barely knew him, only from association.

Cole? While he was slightly crazy, he was also against judging people, so he was a safe bet.

Once I'd entered the common room, it was easy enough to find him. He was sat upside down on an armchair, scribbling what seemed to be a letter in a notebook, groaning every few minutes and tearing sheets out.

"You okay there, Cole?" I asked, leaning over to his face.

"Agh!" he exclaimed when he saw me, practically doing a backwards forward roll in shock. Scowling from where he landed on the floor, he got back up. "You disturbed my creative juices."

"Yeah, looks like it." I said, pointing to the scattered paper across the common room, which a Prefect was picking up angrily.

"Ugh, I just can't write a letter to Sam, it's too hard!" Cole whined, sitting down on the sofa, looking dejected. Sam was his best friend, the one who'd been dating his brother. "She's mad at me for hurting Cameron, she won't speak to me."

"That sucks." I said. "Look, if you do me a favour I'll help you write a letter, deal?"

"Deal," Cole said, eyeing me suspiciously. "I'm not selling you drugs."

"I don't want drugs!" I said loudly, and several people turned.

"That's what an addict would say."

"Shut up, Cole!" I whined, pulling at his cat covered jumper. "I need advice! What do you buy a boy? Like, present wise."

"What, you've got a boyfriend on the horizon?" Cole raised an eyebrow, putting his notebook down. "Do I need to beat anyone up?"

"No!" I exclaimed quickly. "Look, it's complicated, but.... I'm now friends with Draco Malfoy."

Cole laughed and laughed, until I hit him with his own notebook. "Oh, you're serious. Ah, well I don't know. I mean I bought a teeny-tiny drum kit for my friend Ashton, but that was like two years ago, so I don't know."

"Fat lot of good you are." I grumbled, getting to my feet.

"Wait!" Cole exclaimed, and tugged at my hand. "Right, so there's this one thing that I nearly got Sam for Valentine's Day, but chickened out...."

Almost an hour later the present was ordered and wrapping paper selected (teeny-tiny house elves in Santa hats). It was a golden snitch, that flew only six feet off the ground, and if the metal was bitten on (snitches had flesh memories apparently) a message could be seen.

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