Half a million reads later...

10.9K 456 71

As I write this now it is the 27th June 2015, ten past seven in the night. According to this weird app thing I found on the internet, it had been 946 days since I posted the preface of Obliviate on November 23rd 2012. (ironically the day before I went to see Breaking Dawn part 2 lmao)

And in those 946 days, 500,000 reads, 14,000 votes and 10,000 comments have been collected from every single one of you amazing people.

When I wrote Obliviate, it was because I wanted to start something new and unique. I didn't think anybody would read it, even like it.

But when in the space of 24 hours I gained about ten votes and 40 reads, I knew I was onto something special.

And now, I have half a million reads, which is (according to wikapedia) 200,000 more than the population of Iceland.

I never thought I would get this far, and yet here I am writing the fifth book in the series that at the beginning, I thought I'd give up on.

So thank you, if you read this in 2012, or even last week.

Just thank you.

You have given me a hope I can actually write, so thank you.

Obliviate {Book 1--EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now