20. The Quiddich Final^

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Gasping, I woke up shivering and hands shaking. Pushing my hair from my sweaty forehead, I noticed the fire we usually lit was dying, and I got up to stoke it again before I tried to sleep some more.

My dream came back to me in whispers... Obliviate.... Draco..... His final words-- You can't run from the past Aurora. It will always find you, and when it does--you have no choice but to accept it.

Goosebumps blossomed across my arms at the thought, especially at the brush of lips against my cheek.... Mentally slapping myself, I stabbed at the fire to start it. He was an awful person, and needed to apologise before I even thought about those sort of things.

As the fire began again, I staggered over to the pitch of water, pouring myself a glass and looking out of the window.

For a second, I thought I was hallucinating. Blinking, yes, there was still a giant animal walking across the grounds. No, it couldn't be a Grim, could it? Squinting, I was disappointed to see it was just Crookshanks... walking with a dark figure.

Scrambling for my glasses, I shoved them on my face and pressed my face against the window to look closer. What did it all mean? It was walking with Crookshanks, looking happy and almost free. Why was Crookshanks with the dog? Not many dogs acted friendly towards cats..

If it was something important, maybe Gennie would know. She was a wolf sometimes.

"Gennie," I hissed into the darkness. I saw her stir in her sleep. "Genesis Marlene Lupin, wake the hell up!"

"What?" she whined.

"Are cats usually friendly with dogs?"

"What?" she snapped, her voice grouchy and impatient.

"Are cats friendly with dogs? I just saw Crookshanks being friendly with a dog."

"You woke me up at two thirty for this?" Gennie hissed. "Let me sleep!"

"Can you just look; it'll only take a second." I hissed into the darkness.

"Okay." Gennie mumbled, but then I heard her bed creak and faint snores. She had gone to sleep. Typical.

We entered the hall the next morning to amazing applause, people from all other houses applauding us as well. Wood urged us to eat as much as we could, despite not eating himself.

Ready to leave, I started following my team out of the hall, when I heard somebody calling after me. "Good luck, Rory!" I heard a Hufflepuff boy call.

The boy looked familiar; lanky with black hair and a pokemon jumper—I'd seen him a few time hanging around with Cole.


"Thanks!" I beamed back at him.

The boy smiled awkwardly back, until Cole appeared, clapping him on the shoulders. "Arthur, my favourite cousin, stop trying to flirt with my mate!"

"I—I wasn't! I'm with Ben!" Cole's apparent cousin Arthur stammered back.

"It's fine," I giggled. "Nice meeting you."

Rushing after the team, we congregated in the changing rooms, the sound of the audience beginning to build up around us. Wood peaked out of the corridor separating us from the stadium.

"Okay -- no wind to speak of -- sun's a bit bright, that could impair your vision, watch out for it -- ground's fairly hard, good, that'll give us a fast kickoff --"

We all looked around at each other. I felt as if we could do this—with Gennie and me friends again, our shot and teamwork was a lot stronger. We could do this.

Obliviate {Book 1--EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now