Musical Preferences (Tech x Reader)

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Tech was laying beneath the dashboard of the ship, only his legs sticking out from underneath. There had been some malfunctions going on with some of the wires that the clone was happy to fix. You were sitting a short distance away, seated in one of the chairs and taking a load off, resting your heels up on top of the dashboard. A book was held in your hands. Currently, it was just the two of you in there, seeing as Wrecker was playing with Omega while Hunter and Echo were off to get some extra supplies.

You peered up from your book, your gaze going to the slim clone trooper partially under the ship's control panel. "Are you sure you don't need any help there, Tech?" you asked him curiously. "I feel kinda bad just sitting here with a book when you're working so hard there."

The noises from under the control panel abruptly stopped, then Tech dug his heels into the floor, pulling more of himself out into the open air to meet your gaze. "It really is no trouble," Tech assured you gently once your eyes met. "I take enjoyment in fixing various components and devices, including the ship. And I believe I have things covered, though your offer is greatly appreciated."

You couldn't help but smile; Tech always managed to do that to you. Something about how he said things just always seemed to put a smile on your face. "Alright Tech, but don't hesitate to lemme know if I can help somehow," you told him before going back to your book.

"Duly noted. Thank you," Tech responded, sliding himself back under the control panel. As your eyes glazed the page of your book, you heard the rattle of Tech messing about with a panel, then the click of a bolt hitting the smooth floor followed by a murmur from the clone.

While this atmosphere was never the best for reading, and you frankly could hardly focus on the words at times, your favorite place to be always was anywhere around where Tech was working. In fact, you purposely went out of your way to try to be in the proximity when Tech was at work. The smart clone had begun picking up on this tendency of yours, as he recently had started telling the others to let you join him while he worked before you even needed to ask.

The reason you loved this atmosphere so much? Well, partially was just because Tech's presence had something soothing to it. And whenever he was working, something about him being in his element made you happy. It was like ASMR to listen to him fix up the wiring of the control panel or recalibrating a faulty motor in the engine. Plus, his intelligible mutters were like music to your ears.

You peered up over your book to look at the clone fondly, pondering to yourself if he was aware of the feelings you had for him. Smart as he was, you were a little worried he didn't reciprocate your feelings. He, in fact, hardly appeared to understand any deep feelings, answering any of Omega's questions on how he was feeling with bewilderment.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a delightful sound: Tech was humming. It was a joyful little ditty he was humming, and you felt like someone had injected your body with pure serotonin. As a big, stupid smile spread across your lips, you wondered if he was aware he was humming. Or if he had forgotten you were there... seeing as you had never heard him humming a song before. You were a little taken aback by how good his voice was though. "Hey Tech," you piped up, and Tech's humming immediately cut short.

"Yes, Y/N?" he asked from underneath the dashboard still, not letting you see his face as he continued working.

"Do you listen to music through your helmet?" you asked him curiously. It was something you had wondered for a little while, but with how on key his humming was, it was practically confirmed now.

Tech paused, as if he was debating how you would have ever guessed that. You almost giggled from the surprised silence that had fell over you two, but you managed to keep quiet before he answered, "I in fact do. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious," you admitted. "What kind of songs do you listen on there?" Tech stiffened. A mischievous smile came over your face. "Tech, I saw you stiffen. What kind of music do you listen to?"

"I did not," he defended weakly, but it was hardly believable from his tone. He was an atrocious liar.

"Tech, you're avoiding the question," you playfully reminded him. Silence returned, and you really did almost laugh that time.

Finally, he sighed, pulling himself out from under the control panel. Your eyes met as he partially stood up, coming over to you. "Promise you won't laugh or inform the others," he begged you.

You grinned widely. "Promise!" you agreed, too eager to know what kind of music the nerd listened to.

He sighed, pulling his helmet off. "Alright..." he murmured hesitantly, holding his helmet out to you.

You gasped, awed that you were going to get to try his helmet on. Gladly, you put it over your head, getting to take in Tech's familiar aroma before fully settling the helmet on your head. Your ears were met with upbeat pop music, and you beamed with surprise and delight. "Oh my stars, Tech, you have good musical taste!" you complimented, voice muffled by the helmet.

From what little of Tech's face you could see through the visor, you could see the man smile. "You really think so?" he asked, voice sounding hopeful.

You nodded. "Yeah! I'm just surprised. I never thought pop would be your kind of thing. Also, your helmet is super cool too."

Tech smiled more, propping his hand gently on his hip. "It fits you," he complimented, gesturing slightly towards you.

You were suddenly glad the helmet concealed a lot of your face, as your cheeks went hot at his comment. "Thanks Tech..." You removed the helmet, holding it out back to its original owner with a smile. Tech happily took it back, placing it over his head once again. It just fit so nicely on him, which you supposed made sense, seeing as it was his own personal helmet. Then you realized he had abandoned his job because of you, and your eyes widened. "Oh, sorry, I distracted you from your work, didn't I?"

Tech waved his hands dismissively in front of himself. "It's quite alright, Y/N. I most likely was in need of a break anyways. Do not fret about it."

You smiled fondly at him, eyes locked with his. "You're the best, Tech." With that, you moved a bit closer to him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss onto his helmet.

Tech froze, his face going red within his suit. Immediately he looked flustered and frazzled as you giggled softly at his state. Finally, he slowly and bashfully removed his helmet, holding it to his chest and carefully meeting your eyes with his own. "Y-You... seemed to have forgotten my... helmet was on," he stammered, face still deeply rosy.

You blushed in surprise yourself, then you chuckled. "That was pretty smooth, Tech. I'll give you that." You leaned close to him again, leaving him with an affectionate kiss on the cheek. "Now you probably should get back to work before Hunter gives you Bantha dung for having not finished it yet."

Tech nodded swiftly, placing his helmet back on. As he returned back to work and you to your book, your heart still pounded in your chest from having finally kissed your crush, even if it was just on the cheek. You could tell Tech was pretty excited about it too, seeing as his feet gently tapped against the floor a little giddily every couple moments and his humming was even more peppy.

You smiled to yourself. Maybe he did reciprocate your feelings after all.

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