Recordings (Tech x Reader)

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This oneshot takes place sometime before the season 1 finale. Also feels warning, because this oneshot goes from cute to sad real quick.

(Apologies as well for all the Tech x Readers and lack of other oneshots, but I love this man way too much. And he's a much needed comfort character for me now. I have a oneshot coming up that I've had planned already for a couple days now, and it isn't an 'x reader', so that is something you can expect to see soon.)


You were laying next to Tech on his bed, your eyes focused on the metal ceiling of the Marauder. Darkness surrounded the both of you, though the soft breathing from your boyfriend next to you lulled you into comfort. The thought of him had you gazing over at him, and you saw Tech resting his hands on his chest. His eyes were on the ceiling too until he felt your attention on him. His endearing brown eyes went to yours. 

"Is there something on your mind, Y/N?" he asked you, keeping his voice down to avoid waking his brothers.

You just smiled a bit. "I'm just thinking about how happy I am that you're here," you answered.

He smiled back at you, sighing contently. "I feel the same way."

Comfortable silence returned, but a question had begun prodding at your mind. You hesitated at the idea of asking Tech about it. He had told you more times than you could count to not hesitate to ask any questions you ever had for him, but this question was a bit personal. You glanced over at him again, catching a glimpse of how a faint light blinking slowly nearby created a little reflection in his eyes. Finally, you mustered the courage to speak.

"Hey Tech?" you began.

"Yes Y/N?" came his ever calm and gentle response.

You found yourself hesitating once more before asking, "Do you ever miss Kamino?"

Tech blinked. He shifted, rolling over onto his side to face you. Your eyes met his in the dark, your heart beat speeding up a little as it reminded you how much you adored this man. "Not particularly. Why?"

You rolled onto your side too, a more intimate feeling coming between the both of you as you did. Eyes lost in his, you replied, "Well, it was your home... even if it wasn't the nicest home ever. I was just curious if... there were any parts of it that you miss."

Tech frowned a little, seeming to consider your question. "I suppose I have a small amount of an affinity for the place, yes..." he admitted at last, voice softening. "It isn't something even I can fully comprehend myself." You moved your hand closer to his, and his instincts snapped his attention to the slight movement. Then he took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers before meeting your eyes again. "It likely is related to deep human nature to become attatched to the location of their birth, or aspects of such a place."

"What sorts of aspects for you?" you wondered. The clone's grip on your hand tightened slightly, and you gently rubbed circles against the top of his hand with your thumb, his hand relaxing once more. "You don't have to answer," you assured him.

He shook his head slightly, eyes briefly closing as he did. "No, it is alright," he insisted, looking to your face again. "I just have never spoken to anyone about this before, so it is a bit... difficult." After taking a moment of silence to gather his thoughts, he began speaking his answer. 

"Kamino is infamously known for its stormy weather," he explained, voice comforting and steady. "It causes difficulty for ships and is a near constant factor, despite other planets typically only having brief rain storms." He paused, scanning your face for any signs of confusion or decreased interest. Finding neither, he continued, "Despite this, I have always found the rain provides a calming sound against roofing of the structures on Kamino. Occasionally a planet we land on experiences a rain storm and I always find I can sleep more peacefully those days."

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