Movie Night (Tech x Reader)

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"And here it is! This is my house!"

You shoved the door open, which resisted on some of the sand that had piled up around the bottom of the door before it gave way. You stepped into the dim of the hut, inhaling deeply as you took in the familiar smells of home. Then, you turned towards the sand-covered, armor-wearing figures behind you. Hunter entered in first with Tech and Echo following his lead. Then a short blond girl skipped in after them. 

Wrecker attempted to follow, but grunted as his forehead collided with the top of the hut's doorframe. He rubbed at his helmet, then ducked through the opening. You watched in a slight awe as the big man managed to just barely fit through your doorway.

Hunter removed his helmet first, eyes meeting yours. "Thank you for letting us stay here for the night," he earnestly said to you. 

"It really is no bother," you assured him with a smile. "I'll admit my house isn't much, but I figured it was better than your damaged ship." You caught sight of Tech gazing around at your living space, and your smile widened as you watched Omega pick up a Bantha plush you had made from off your couch.

"Yeah, we really owe you for the favor," Echo told you, regaining your attention.

You made a sharp shush sound through your teeth, making a dismissive motion with your hand. "Like I said, it's really no problem! You guys don't owe me anything for it. It's completely my pleasure."

"You've got a nice place!" Wrecker loudly complimented, plopping himself down on the couch with a content sigh. The pillows squished greatly from his weight combined with his heavy armor.

You grinned. "Thanks Wrecker."

"By chance, what purpose does this device hold?" Tech piped up, and you perked up immediately. You came over towards his voice, seeing how he now knelt down by a device you had settled on the floor of your living room. "It appears to be some form of holographic device," Tech observed.

"That's right," you responded, crouching down next to him. "It's a device I use to hold different recorded videos or live happenings, and then I display them on a big hologram..." You stopped, then just saying, "Here, let me show you how it works." 

You leaned closer to Tech to reach a button on the device, trying to ignore the fluttering in your heart and the urge to look at him. Pressing the button, a large, flat holographic image expanded up from the top of the device. It started playing live footage of the news, and you could see reflections of it across Tech's goggles as he gazed up at it in interest.

"Fascinating use of technology," he complimented, adjusting his goggles on his face slightly.

You chuckled bashfully, rubbing the back of your neck as you rose into a stand. "Ah, it's nothing special... I just thought it would be neat to have somewhere to watch movies to keep myself entertained, so I made this." Everyone glanced to you curiously.

"Movies?" Omega piped up, tilting her head from where she sat on Wrecker's lap, Bantha plush still hugged against her chest. "What's that?"

"You guys haven't seen a movie before?" you gasped.

"No, we have not. There were no such things on Kamino, and we were not provided much time for recreational activities," Tech reminded you. You nodded, frowning slightly as you recalled the bits of information the group had told you of Kamino. It had definitely not sounded like a place you would want to stay, and you felt bad for the boys and Omega for having to grow up there. 

"Movies are recordings where people act out fictional events to tell a story! They can be funny, sad, scary, or anything else really," you explained passionately. "There's ones about love... ones that are about adventures... or things and places that don't exist. The possibilities are endless!"

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