✨Tech Headcanons✨

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I want someone who looks at me the way Tech looks at his datapad... *clears throat* Uh, anyways...

I'm too tired to write today, I'm sorry... I already attempted two different story lines and they went nowhere so... maybe I'll pick up one of them tomorrow, or do something else then I'm not sure. For now though, please enjoy my list of Tech headcanons I have. Feel free to do whatever you wish with the knowledge of these; I'm glad to allow anyone to write fanfics based on any of these or whatever. They're free game! Frankly, what's the point of headcanons if you don't share them? Anyways, I hope you like them!


- Finds rain sounds to be naturally soothing to listen to. It reminds him of being back on Kamino and of a simpler time in his life.

- Sometimes he will play audio recordings he has of the Bad Batch's barracks on Kamino as a relaxing ambience soundtrack to help him fall asleep to. Do NOT tell anyone about this, or he will perish of embarrassment.

- While he's working, he listens to upbeat pop or trap music through the sound system in his helmet. He's embarrassed about his playlist, but it's what helps keep him awake as he repairs various things around the ship.

- Rests his head on someone's shoulder when he's upset or burnt out.

- Is actually quite the cuddle bug! His preferred forms of physical affection are holding a loved one on his lap curled up to him (bonus points if they are wrapped in a cozy blanket that in turn warms up both members), forehead kisses, and laying side by side.

- He is really easily prone to burn out. With essentially being the Bad Batch's medic, mechanic, and pilot... yeah, he works himself thin a bit too often.

- Has a weak spot for a significant other who leaves notes for him. He learns to adore their handwriting, and it just makes him happy to read whatever words have been left for him. If a sticky note was used, he will wear it on his chestplate until he can get to his barracks and add it to his collection of past notes he has been left!

- He's a light eater... He's not fond of- and can't properly stomach- a lot of food so he usually just snacks over having big, hearty meals.

- He has some... difficulties with understanding his emotions... Or frankly the emotions of others as well. He understands basic emotions, but if he tries to overthink why he's feeling them and the reason is not obvious (because let's face it, emotions can come up for no real reason sometimes-) it freaks him out.

- He doesn't mind holding hands in public. He will squeeze his significant other's hand if he's scared, or as a method of reassurance or checking up on them.

- Call his significant other pet names in other languages.

- Is fidgety when he's stressed.

- Is a big fan of dark chocolate. He definitely is the kind of guy who finds white chocolate to be distasteful and insists it is not real chocolate.

- Knows morse code and will have arguments with Echo using it if things get heated enough. It's a way to let either of them swear without Hunter breathing down their necks for cursing in front of Omega.

- Cannot see without his goggles. He's blind as a bat without them. Everything is just insanely blurry and he can make out shapes of things and people, but hardly.

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