Post-Rescue Panic Attack (Platonic Tech x Reader)

852 24 7

Requested by FaeMadison! Thank you for the request!

Contains descriptive explanations of the symptoms of an anxiety/panic attack, the mention of death (but no actual deaths occur), but nothing otherwise. Also feels! Lots of feels! 🥺


Your legs burned and throbbed as you dashed through the underbrush. With how your legs shook beneath you, you were almost certain they would give out sooner or later. However, they continued moving anyways, controlled by the fear pumping through your veins. You looked up at the mercenary clones running ahead of you, each adorning various unique looking armor that you didn't expect clones to have. Of course the former Republic soldiers were naturally faster than you, which did you no favors for your aching body as you followed up the rear.

When the Empire had demanded you to have an identification card, you had resisted. The truth was you didn't have the most admirable past, and you weren't comfortable with the idea of the Empire tracking down your record... especially after you still were working hard at cleaning that slate. Avoiding identification, however, had winded up with you being put behind bars. You were glad you had your fair share of allies, otherwise you would still be trapped in the planetside jail.

However, being the rescuee of a rescue mission was still a shaking experience.

On the thought of shaking, your legs threatened to give out again and you sucked in a deep breath. Then another. The Bad Batch had gotten you out safely enough, but you all hadn't slipped out unnoticed. Now you were running from the Empire, seeing as right now, they were on the hunt for you; you hadn't seen them for a while, but you were sure they were still there.

Your heart was pounding heavily in your tightening chest, threatening to burst out. You inhaled more air greedily. Your mind spun with thoughts, and it made the world spin around with it. You stumbled into a shakey walk, then came to a stop entirely. You were now only vaguely aware that someone from the Bad Batch had stopped, calling something over his shoulder to the others. 

You curled in on yourself, wrapping your arms around your torso as you wobbled on the spot. The ground felt like it was closer and yet also further away all at once, causing your already disorented and startled brain to spiral further.

You gasped, sucking in quick breaths.

I can't breathe... I... I'm going to die...

"Y/N, what happened?" a nearby voice cut through your fog of thoughts. Your body was almost instinctively curled in some attempt to protect your vital organs, forcing you to fight back against it just to let your eyes make their way up from the new pair of feet that stopped in front of yours. 

A pair of hands hesitantly clamped onto your shoulders. Your head shot up, eyes meeting the eyes of the man in front of you. He was the one who had been right in front of you while you were running. His warm eyes focused on you from behind his yellow-lensed goggles. "Listen to my breathing and breathe with me, understood?" 

You managed the slightest nod, listening to how his inhale within the confines of his helmet reverberated. You took a deep breath in. As he paused, holding his breath, you felt your body fight against your attempt to do the same, having you sharply exhale a couple times instead. Your legs still felt unstable, like you were a building being held on weak supports over a storm of crashing waves. The world continued feeling disconnected and spinning.

"Would sitting on the ground be easier?" the clone's voice came again from the figure in front of you. 

You nodded, this time more vigorously, managing to add a weak, "Y-Yeah..."

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