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Concept: Tech has to take care of Omega while the others are on a mission. She's grumpy because she can't go and Tech tries his hardest to cheer her up. Contains Tech attempting to be a good care giver even though it definitely is NOT his area of expertise- And mild angst of Omega being upset at being left behind again, as well as a heart to heart talk.


"But Hunter! I want to come along!" Omega complained, stamping her foot down on the metal floor of the Marauder. Tech couldn't see her face, as his back currently was turned while he inputed some data into his handheld device. However, he could imagine the expression likely on her face: that pout he and the others had grown used to seeing when missions such as these came up.

He heard the sound of Hunter's armour shift as the man crouched down in front of the girl. "Not for this mission you're not," Hunter told her, his tone unwaveringly firm and yet it still had a slight hesistation. 

It was no secret the bond everyone in the crew was beginning to form with the girl; Hunter and Wrecker especially becoming attatched. Tech did enjoy her company as well, repeatedly surprised by her intellect and able to tell that she did contribute a lot to the height of morale in the group. Despite this, he definitely didn't feel the same level of closeness to her as the other Bad Batchers did.

"We won't be gone for long," Echo attempted to assure her.

"Yeah! We'll be back before you know it!" Wrecker piped in.

Omega huffed, surely crossing her arms over her chest in frustration. "Why can't I come along anyway?" Tech froze as he could sense his fellow brothers stiffen and exchange glances. How were any of them supposed to start explaining exactly why this particular mission would be too dangerous for her, without getting into the gritty details? Tech himself was glad he was far enough out of the conversation to not need to get involved.

"Oh, well, it-" Hunter began, then sighed in defeat. "Look, just... take our word for it, okay? You'll be a lot safer on the ship."

"But I want to be with you guys..." Omega muttered disheartenedly, her voice breaking with emotion. Tech bit his lower lip, now especially glad to not be involved with the conversation.

"You won't be alone," Hunter quickly assured her. "You'll have, uh... Tech to keep you company." Finally Tech turned towards the group to immediately gain eyes on him.

"Now wait just a moment-" he began, but Hunter met his gaze with a firm one.

"We shouldn't need a whole lot of hacking to get in. Echo should be able to cover us enough there," Hunter countered. "And besides, someone needs to stay with the kid." He gestured gently to Omega.

"Hacking is something I am far more experienced in," Tech attempted to object again, but Hunter was already shaking his head. Tech pursed his lips together, frowning as his gaze went down to Omega. She was looking up at him with curiosity in her eyes as their sights met. At last, Tech sighed, lowered his arms down to his sides, albeit reluctantly. 

Sensing his defeat, Hunter rose from his haunches into a stand, half turning towards Echo and Wrecker. "Let's go," he told them, and they affirmed their agreements, following after Hunter as they filed out of the ship. 

Omega ran after them, but only to jump at Wrecker, who was leading up the back. The big man laughed as the girl leapt into his arms, and Tech watched as the burly man swung her around before giving her a brief, squeezing hug. 

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