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Contains mentions of a severe injury, but it doesn't go into any details besides how it was recieved. Also has some angst and a character has a mental breakdown... (Hehe sorry for the slight pun in the title...)

This one turned out much longer than I expected... 😳 I hope it's good! I'll be honest; today's been a bit of a rough day for me, so I might be a little off my writing game. Hopefully you enjoy it though!


A quintet of shadows made their way through the low-hanging fog that coated the surface of Umgul. The pattering of their foot steps was all that filled the eerie silence. A sudden thud echoed through the area, followed by the flutter of wings as a group of smalled winged creatures took flight off a nearby tree, startled by the noise. 

"Ow! Argh, I can't see anything!" Wrecker groaned, rubbing at his head, glad it had been covered in his helmet. His gaze went to the tree he had crashed into, grimacing at the fact that he hadn't seen it in the sheer thickness of the haze.

Tech flipped his visor down over his eyes, suddenly gaining a clearer view of the terrain. "I can," Tech reassured Wrecker, looking towards his brothers. He pointed with one of his blasters in the direction they needed to go, adding, "Follow me."

The other clones let him take the lead, a grumbling Wrecker following up behind Tech. Everyone fell silent once more as Tech surveyed the surroundings, lightly sprinting in the directions the datapad in his hand pointed on a virtual map.

"I don't know if this is a good idea," Echo piped up from deeper in the squad, and Tech looked over his shoulder in an attempt to look at him. However, with his helmet on, the attempt was rendered useless. "We're all walking blind here. If anyone gets the jump on us, we're all reliant on Tech seeing them first."

"I'm keeping a close scan on our surroundings," Tech responded calmly, attempting to reassure his uncertain brother. "Besides, we do not have a much better alternative at the moment."

"How reassuring..." hissed Crosshair from the back of the squad. Tech frowned within his helmet. As unfortunate as the situation was, Tech didn't mind the amount of responsibility he held in their current predictament. He liked to be helpful, and leading his squad through a dense, unrelenting fog was definitely something he believed he could handle.

A nearby rustle sent everyone on edge, the clones grasping at their weapons and huddling up to cover each other if needed. Tech could hear the uneasy breathing from his fellow clones as everyone went as still as possible. Tech moved his head side to side, trying to pick up on any signs of life from his visor. In the direction the sound had come from, the visor detected something. Tech suddenly relaxed. "False alarm. That rustling sound was from another one of those winged creatures from earlier," he informed the others.

A few relieved exhales and sighs followed his from the group, but Crosshair turned to face him. "This is ridiculous," he growled, his voice sounding even more hostile as it reverberated in the confines of his helmet. "We don't have time for being spooked by things that nobody besides Tech can see." He jabbed a finger in Tech's direction, and Tech frowned. "I suggest we regroup and get better equipment for the job." Crosshair said before he spun to face Hunter, looking to the squad's leader for his opinion. Tech's gaze went to Hunter too, having noticed he had gone fairly quiet since they had left the ship.

Hunter frowned thoughtfully before he spoke. "We've already travelled this far. It's not worth going back now." He met Tech's eyes, giving him a stiff nod. "We are almost there anyways, right?"

Tech instictively took out his datapad again, double checking with the map he still had displayed on it. "Ah, yes," he answered. "Continuing at our current overall pace, we should reach our destination within twenty minutes."

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