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This oneshot takes place in a sort of modern AU, so that's why there's some clear differences in location and just kind of everything for this oneshot. Anyways, there's no trigger warnings or anything for this one; just me enjoying writing Tech and Omega interacting some more!

(Apologies in advance though if my knowledge for the work Omega is doing is incorrect at all! I last did this sort of science YEARS ago, so I don't remember it well, haha! Plus I wasn't the best at science either... But anyways, I hope you enjoy!)


The late afternoon sun shone in through the house windows, giving the kitchen a warm glow. A peaceful silence had filled the atmosphere, minus the hum of the fridge, a clinking of metal, and the occasional faint sound of a drink being sipped. The peace, however, was abruptly disturbed by the front door being thrown open.

"Teeech?!" Omega called into the house, slinging her backpack off her shoulders and into the crook of her elbow. She slid off her shoes in the front entryway, hardly stopping to do so as she ventured into the house.

"I'm right here, Omega," Tech replied, and Omega looked in the direction of his voice to see he was sitting at the kitchen table. Various mechanical bits spread across the wooden tabletop, as well as two abandoned mugs sitting off to one side.

The girl approached the table, pulling out a chair and setting her backpack on it with a grunt. Tech finally looked up from his work. "I need help with my homework," Omega explained, gazing up at her big brother. "Could you help me?"

Tech dropped the mechanical pieces in his hands to the table immediately. "Of course I can," he replied without a second's hesitation. "What subject will you be requiring help with?"

"Science," Omega answered, unzipping her backpack and pulling out the thick corresponding textbook.

Tech straightened. "Let me clear the table first," he told her, an eagerness to his tone. She nodded, watching him scoop up armfuls of his various devices... only to relocate them to the nearest open countertop. A grin pulled at Omega's lips in amusement, vaguely recalling Echo getting mad with him for doing that exact thing before. 

In an attempt to help, she picked up the two cups from the table and moved to the sink. Both smelled of the same flavor of tea, and were mysteriously half-full. Omega paused in her tracks to the sink, and instead set them down on the counter for Tech to figure out later.

Now the table was clear, and Tech was already sliding the textbook across the table towards himself to take a look at it. Omega immediately felt fortunate that Tech was the brother that was currently home, as the others weren't nearly as helpful as he was. Hunter became too confused in the curriculum most of the time, Crosshair never was interested in helping (he had a nightshift to get to afterall, and tended to nap in the afternoon), Echo was too busy... And as much as Omega loved Wrecker, she had realized she knew more about how to solve the problems she was stuck on than he did.

Tech always worked from home, which allowed him to be the first friendly face Omega would meet when she came home. He too tended to get caught up in his work even if it was at home, but he never turned down a chance to help her with homework. Omega smiled as she unloaded her notebooks and pencils onto the table. She didn't like homework- no normal kid did- but Tech always made it managable. Besides, it was an excuse to spend more time with him, and she would never turn a chance like that down.

"What unit are you working on currently?" Tech asked, flipping through the textbook.

"Uh, unit two," Omega answered, dragging her chair across the floor, leaving it next to Tech's before sitting down on it.

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