Kaori Uchiha

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"I couldn't get both of them but atleast I got one of his child." Someone chuckled creepily while staring at the black haired baby in his arms. He had long passed the forest where the little baby was born. He reached the outskirts of the Mist village.

"I will use your eyes to destroy Uchiha Sasuke." An evil grin was plastered on his face. The word impatient was written all it. He had the child in his hands. All he had to do was take her eyes. His attempt of taking her eyes soon failed when suddenly blue rays started to emerge from the new born baby. It pushed him back with an immense force. He flew a few meters back. A fierce roaring sound echoed throughout the place. When he looked up, a lightning bomb was headed straight towards him. He barely dodged it, the bomb collided with some rocks creating a loud noise and a thick mist. When the mist finally cleared, he got up and saw a blue dragon growling at him.

"What is this?"

The growling dragon threw another attack to the kidnapper. The jutsu pushed him towards the rocks and exploded. The kidnapper was surprised it didn't blew him along with those rocks. But, still, he wasn't unscathed. He had a nasty burn from his chest to stomach. It looked like he also had a scar on his upper torso.

'Where did this beast came from? I can't even dodge it's attacks let alone fight it. I'll probably die soon if this continues.'

He was preparing himself to dodge another attack when he sensed some of the Mist shinobi's chakra coming their way. He couldn't fight them at that time. He was already on the verge of death so with the rest of his chakra, he decides to teleport himself out of that place.

The Mist shinobis arrived quickly after that. They couldn't sense the chakra of the man they had sensed earlier. Rather, it was an amusing sight they'd gotten. There was a child in a cradle with a dragon beast going inside her body.

And that was how Kaori was named a demon child in her village. Because, well, according to the Mist citizens, she had a vicious demon residing in her.

Mizukage was informed about the disappearance of the man they'd sensed earlier and the appearance of a child with a dragon inside her. The shinobis had took the child to their village leader. He inspected the child for a long time. She was beautiful obviously. She had raven hair and matching obsidian eyes. There was a nameplate in her cradle too that said "Kaori".

After some years..

Kaori POV

I was walking through the streets when people started cursing and insulting me like always. I tried to ignore them as usual.

One shopkeeper man even tried to attack me, so I escaped from him. I was busy running when I bumped into someone. I looked at the guy, he was one of the students in academy who would bully me a lot.

This is bad, he is with his friends this time.

"Hey freak, watch where you are going." One of his minions said glaring at me.

"I'm sorry." I said walking away to avoid any further fights.

"Hey, you demon. You can't leave." He suddenly caught me by my collar and turned me around.

"I'm sorry. Just leave me alone, please."

"You should just leave this village, you pathetic little shit."

"What is your problem?" I said glaring daggers at him.

"What? You dare talking back to me now, freak?"

"Why do you all hate me so much?" I tried to speak without trembling.

"Do you even need an answer to that? You carry the demon, Kaori. You should be abandoned and lonely because this is your punishment."

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