Girls VS Boys

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"You can't use the Summoning jutsu without a contract with the summoning animal signed in blood."

Konohamaru sensei was teaching us about the Summoning Jutsu.

I got bored of all their Summoning thing so I zoned out for a while. All of a sudden, Shino sensei summoned a sword as an example I guess. Everyone was whispering things like what type of summoning they'd like. The girls started saying they wanted something cute as their summoning.

Suddenly Iwabe said, "A summoning animal isn't a pet. It doesn't matter what it looks like."

"Well it can be ugly as long as it is strong." Inojin whispered out loud.

Then, a lot of boys started saying about what type of animal they would want.
The girls started saying how childish the boys and their choices are. All of them began arguing with each other.

Suddenly Shikadai came towards me and asked, "Kaori, what do you want your summoning animal to be like?"

"A snake, probably?"

"Huh!?" A lot of girls were shocked at my reply.

"Kaori, how can you be okay with something so slippery and creepy?" One of the girl asked me.

"The boys company must have gotten into you." Another one of the girl said.

"Huh! What's that supposed to mean Cho-Cho?"

"Boruto, I'm just saying we are in a age where looking cool counts." Cho-Cho replied shrugging.

"You shouldn't talk when you are the one farthest from being cool." Inojin replied in his usual sassy tone.

Cho-Cho then started saying how cool she was even though she was chubby. Then Shino sensei came towards us. "You all should get started with your Ninja Tools Summoning-"

He was cut off by Boruto."Hey, hey. Next time, let's all summon a giant animal together"

"Don't try anything stupid. Whenever you do stupid stuff, we get lumped in with you." The annoying four eyes entered the scene. All the girls started condemning the boys for their stupidity. The boys also pointed out things about girls gossiping and wasting time. Like that, they all continued bickering at each other again.

"That's enough. You guys..." Konohamaru sensei came between Boruto and the annoying four eyes to separate them. They both humped at each other.


You are one to talk, Kaori..

At least I'm not annoying like them, right Ryu?

He raised his eyebrows to tease me. You are worse than them. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

I walked down the hallway towards the canteen. I ordered my burger and started eating it peacefully. "A yakisoba bun please!" I heard two of the most annoying voices. I sighed looking down. "Not this again...."

In an instant all the boys and girls were ready to fight each other. "Kaori, which side are you going to join?" Boruto asked looking at me.

But before I could reply the four eyes spoke, "She is a girl, isn't it obvious that she is with us."

"I'm fine being here at my seat with my burger. You guys can carry on." They all sweatdropped.

"Stop, right there!" Shino sensei came between Boruto and Sarada.

"Fighting amongst Academy students is taboo..... I will prepare a battleground for you guys after school."


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