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Mitsuki POV 

A bright light hurt my eyes, and reluctantly, I began waking up from my deep sleep. I turned to my side to look at my table.

This is not my room.

"Oh , I see you're awake now." The raven haired girl was staring at me holding a cup. She sighed when I didn't give her any response then placed the cup infront of me to which I just stared at.

"It's a medicine and don't worry, I didn't mix any poison or something in this." She sighed when I wearily raised the cup. 

"If you're hungry, the food is in the dining table. Again, it's not poisonous. I'm going to take a shower and get ready for school."

I watched her back as she went to get ready. 

How did I get myself here?

Kaori POV

"What am I seeing, two weirdos together, huh?" Iwabe smirked when he saw the girl twitch at his remark. 

"Morning, everyone."  The smoke cleared to show our sensei dressed as a clown. Everyone gasped at the sight of Shino sensei's ridiculous fashion sense. He was wearing a long red jacket with yellow star glasses. He snapped his fingers, in an instant, food and drinks along with party decorations appeared out of nowhere.

Did he get a job at circus and quit his job as a sensei?

"We'll use our morning homeroom time to welcome Mitsuki fully now." Sensei yelled throwing out his arms. 

Everyone stood frozen for a while but soon engaged themselves in food. 

There was no such party thing when you came to Konoha.  I could imagine Ryu's smug look and his ugly smirk as he said that.

"This is just stupid."

"It's not stupid, it's fun, Kaori." Boruto said grinning like an idiot. I looked around, everyone was quite enjoying this whole welcome party thing.

Oh shit, I forgot to feed Tadeo, this morning.

I quickly teleported myself to my apartment. I walked to my kitchen and prepared a meal for him while I called out his name. 

"Huh?" I was met with silence so I started looking for him. I went inside my room and to my surprise, he seems to be lazing around in the couch. 

I walked up to him and tried to wake him up.  "Tadeo?" 

To my surprise, he didn't woke up or produced any sound. His chakra is faint too.

I picked him up and my eyes widened when I saw a pool of blood on the white couch. He had some blood coming out of his mouth too.

Why didn't I saw that earlier?

"Where's the lady that treated Tadeo last time?" I asked the receptionist lady in the hospital.

"It's actually her break right now so she is not available at the moment. I'm afraid I'll have to call another doctor for your dog right now."

"Call her" She flinched at my harsh tone. 


I tapped my foot furiously at the floor while waiting for the lady to arrive. 

"Kaori, what happened?" I looked behind me to see the pink haired lady running towards me. Her eyes widened when they fell on the dog in my arms.

"What happened to Tadeo?"

"I don't know, he was bleeding when I came to my apartment."

"Give him to me, I'll check him now."

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