Return to Konoha : 1

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She could never forget that name even if she wanted to. The impact it had on her was way too strong. The past memories would fill her mind so much that her body would froze. That familiar feeling was definitely not a good sign for her. Because, she knew how painful it was to relive those moments.

And this new boy wasn't helping the situation either. He made her feel uneasy in every possible way. It wasn't his looks or words that were painfully familiar to her but his eyes. Those ocean eyes she held so dearly were so beautiful yet so painful for her to watch.

Kaori didn't wanted to feel like that again so she tried to create a distance between her and this new boy but, boy, was he persistent. He followed her almost all the time and continued to annoy her.

Haru blew out a puff of air looking boringly at the young girl infront of him. After sometime, the girl caught him staring, her eyes rolling back out of annoyance.

"Little miss, why do you always look like that?" Her eyes widened at his question. She scoffed out loud, clearly offended by his question.

Haru looked confused seeing the girl's reaction. 'Should I have not said that? But, I don't see any problem with my question.' He thought with pure confusion.

"Don't listen to that idiot, young miss. You're definitely the most beautiful person we've ever seen." Jiro yelled from a distance while cleaning his weapons.

"Haru is an airhead." Mei said sending the young girl a wink.

Haru finally realized why she was rather offended by his question, his playful tone not helping either. A smirk soon take place on his face. "Gomen, little miss." He chuckled for a second before continuing, "Your looks are astonishing as always, no doubt there. I was just wondering why do you look so stern all the time. Not that, you don't look pretty while holding that face but I have never seen you smile. So, I was just thinking if I have to up my game or not?"

'I never smile?' Kaori thought with the same confusion as Haru had earlier.

You didn't know that?  Another familiar voice in her head replies sarcastically. She could tell that he was clearly enjoying this moment.

"Whether I smile or not is none of your business." Kaori walked off, indicating the end of their conversation.

"Oh, it is my business, little miss. I would love to see you smile especially if I am the reason behind it." He followed her then smirked a little when he noticed the annoyed look on her face.

'I didn't know there could be anyone more annoying than Boruto in this world.'

"Leave me alone, Haruki." His smirk dropped at once that didn't go unnoticed by the younger girl. "Why are you calling me that? I've a nickname, you know, Haru. You used to call me that, what happened all of a sudden?"

"Your name is Haruki. Why would I call you by a nickname?" She asked, her patience finally starting to wore off.

"I just love hearing you call me that, little miss."
"Don't call me little miss."
"What should I call you then? Little mouse?"

"I hope both sides of your pillows are warm."

"Why don't you come with me and we make the whole bed warm, Kaori-san?" As he uttered his flirtatious words, the air around others seemed to still. Kaori's eyes widened in surprise, and those nearby stopped in their tracks, their expressions frozen in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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