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"Man, that was fulfilling!" The older man whispered patting his stomach. The younger girl side eyed him quietly judging him in her mind. 

"So, where should we start from?"

"We can start by asking the locals about this mountain."

They both walked around for a while asking the villagers about the mountain that had the medicines. Kaori got the information from one of the villagers then she quickly went towards Kakashi. "Old man, let's go." Kaori explained the directions while Kakashi followed the little girl.

"I heard a lot that the mountain's haunted by some spirits. The spirits take the traveler's belongings or even the traveler sometime."

"Chibi, do you believe those tales?"  Kaori shaked her head slightly.

Suddenly, a gush of cold wind blew against them. Kaori rubbed her eyes as dust had went inside it. When she opened her eyes, there were three people infront of her while Kakashi was nowhere in sight.

Where did he go? I'll have to deal with them first. Kaori thought as she stared at the group of people standing infront of her.

"Who are you?"

"The spirits..." One of them yelled and started laughing after a while. "Stop it!" A female voice interrupted slapping the previous guy in the head.

"The boss will finish the old guy soon. In the meantime, we'll have to keep our eyes on the girl." Another guy let out his voice.

"We can't let the girl escape." The first guy yelled taking his steps towards me.

Kaori launched ahead taking them by surprise. She planted a roundhouse kick to the guy. He back down a bit then aimed a punch at her. She ducked down and kicked him in the chest which knocked the air out of him. I sensed someone coming from behind. I jumped and planted a spinning hook kick on their face. I looked at the girl warningly. "Where's my old man?"

Kaori POV

I dusted the dirt out of my hands after tying all three of them. I then looked at the three. "You guys are nothing but a bunch of jokes..."

"Enough! We maybe a little weak now but we'll be the strongest ninjas one day." It was the same guy who had spoke first earlier. Atleast they seem to have faith in themselves.

I chuckled. "Well, I don't doubt that you guys will grow strong if you keep that faith." The guy seems to smile. "However, I must leave now. Keep working on your dreams, y'all."

"Haru is a troublesome guy. But please don't misunderstand him. He's just tied to do all these things." I nodded as I started running towards the cave. When I went inside, I saw Kakashi pinned to the wall. His hands and legs were locked with some sort of metals. But, what surprised me the most was the kunai held against his throat. I quickly sneaked upon the guy from side and kicked him with great force which sent him a few meters back. I looked down at the metals. "How can I remove these?" I looked at Kakashi waiting for an answer.

"These are manipulated by him. His eyes are closed which must mean he is quite focused on manipulating them. You got to break his focus first."

I looked back at the guy. Metal manipulation? Is he some sort of god of metals?

"Haru, right?" The guy snapped his head towards me. His eyebrows were knitted closely at the mention of his name. We both charged at each other at the same time. "Thousand Flying Metal Needles!" Haru mumbled quietly. My eyes widened at the sight.

Damn! That's an impressive amount. It was all some sort of kunais made out of metals. Can he just make metals appear out of nothing or what?

I took out my own kunai and quickly deflected every one of them out of my way. As soon as I finished, Haru charged at me with a kick from side. I ducked down to dodge his kick. He soon bombarded me with bunch of kicks and punches. I countered them with my own.

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