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I was currently running at my top speed to catch the train since I woke up really late. Because, Ryu didn't wake me up.

How is it my fault you woke up late? You should wake up on your own, kid.

Shut up, stupid dragon. You know, I'm used to sleeping in.

I'll take Tadeo to hospital after school today. I'm sure he'll be very happy after getting his leg treated.

*Train sound*

I landed on the top of the train's bunk.
I saw a hole on it so I passed through it easily. Why is this train so empty?

Near the door, I saw five kids altogether. Two of them were holding one blondie while one was holding another glasses boy. That blondie seems familiar.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" The blonde boy talked.

"Me?" I asked pointing a finger at my face.

"Yeah, yeah, you.. What's a girl doing here?"

"Are girls not allowed to use trains in this village?"


A part of train suddenly separated itself from the whole. "What do we do now?" They all panicked.

"Let's jump onto the other one."

"Let's go." The glasses one finally spoke up.

What the hell is going on here? I just wanted to have a peaceful train ride.

"Where do you have to go, Missy?" One of the boys asked me.

"Umm.. academy."

"Great,  we're going there too. Just stay with us here."

The three boys jumped to another bunk of the train.

"I'll take three of us to the academy." I saw the blonde boy getting close with the engines. Oh kami, don't tell me he is about to take charge of the train.

Kaori, you're already late and I doubt that these idiots would take you there any faster. So I just teleported myself infront of the academy. I should've done this from the start.


"We're going to take attendance now so please pay attention. When we say your names please raise your hand. " Some beard guy said.

"Uchiha Sarada?"

A glasses girl with short raven hair raised her hand. It's the loud, annoying four eyes, huh!?

The beard guy called out my name next so I simply raised my hand. A lot of people looked at me along with that annoying four-eyes.

I was getting bored so I zoned out a bit. After a while, I heard an explosion. I looked up and saw a train crashed on the Lord Seventh's carved face on the mountain.

"Uzumaki Boruto, dattebasa." A boy said coming out of the train. He is the guy from the train. And Uzumaki, huh!?

No wonder he seemed familiar. Your class is interesting Kaori. It has an Uchiha, an Uzumaki and you.

"Uzumaki Boruto...." As I whispered his name, the blondie suddenly looked at me. His mouth parted and his eyes widened for a second before they went back to normal.


I placed Tadeo down on the reception desk once I got there. "Can I get an appointment from Sakura-sama for my dog."

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