Metal Lee

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"Be extremely careful so you don't hurt yourselves or end up hitting your classmates."

Sensei stopped talking and sighed when he saw no one was listening to him. He saw a bunch of shuriken coming towards him so he quickly dodged it. Everyone was throwing shurikens randomly. He sweatdropped at their actions.


"It would be more worthwhile if I just drew picture." Inojin said and threw his shuriken at the centre of the target.

"Well, we've been forced to practice this sort of things at home so we're pretty good at this." Shikadai said and threw his shuriken at the centre of the same target.

There was one guy that threw shurikens accurately at the centre of the target while being in the air.

"He is better than the rest of the students."

"Kaori, you are being bluntly honest here." Inojin said sweatdropping.

"Anyway, he's pretty good." Shikadai said.

When he sensed us observing him, he got nervous and started throwing shurikens randomly. After that, he laughed nervously.


"Where is Boruto, anyways?" I haven't seen him since morning.

"Move outta the way, this is how I do it!" Boruto shrieked.

"There he is." Shikadai and I both sweatdropped.

I turned around and sighed when I saw Boruto with a giant shuriken in his hand. Why can't he take breaks from his stupidity once in a while!?

He threw the shuriken at the target behind us. Me, Shikadai and Inojin jumped to dodge the shuriken but that weird kid didn't. He seemed surprisingly confident.

"Metal-kun!" Our Class Rep called out entering the whole scene. The guy quickly became nervous. He kicked the shuriken in hopes to stop it. But his leg got stuck in it. He went spinning along with the shuriken and collided with the target. We all went to check on him. Iwabe came running at us for his shuriken.

"You guys... All of you come to the teacher's office after class." Sensei was probably fuming with anger.


"You guys fool around too much." Sensei began lecturing us as soon as we entered the office room.

"There was only a certain someone fooling around." Shikadai said eyeing Boruto.

Sensei sighed heavily then ordered us to volunteer for the work at the Hokage's stone faces mountain.

"Why me?! I didn't do anything."  I said slightly annoyed.

"You, Sumire and Metal will supervise everyone else. Got that?" I groaned at him.

Author POV

Everyone was at the mountain. One of the workers came and told them about their work. Everyone was working except Kaori. She was sitting at the top of Lord Seventh's stone head blowing air.

"Oi Kaori, aren't you gonna work?" Boruto was annoyed seeing her slacking off like everytime.

"No." was what came out of the girl's mouth. Iwabe came and picked her up by the collar of her shirt. "You should also work, idiot."

POOF!! They all heard a sound and turned to look at Iwabe. "It was a shadow clone, dammit!" he shouted.

"Kaori!!!!" Everyone groaned..

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