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A loud sound of laughter erupted through the surrounding. I could see a man running while carrying a child on his hands. "I - got - hands --- blood.  I - take - eyes -- destroy------"

He couldn't finish his sentence as his words got cut off again and again with a beep sound.

Suddenly, I heard a deep growl from behind. I looked behind to see Ryu glaring at me. He had a threatening look on his face.

Is this a dream? Another nightmare? It feels too real to be a dream though.

"Open the door, Kaori. Is somebody  home?"


I woke up abruptly when I heard the knocking sound in my head. Ryu, what was that?

I thought you stopped having nightmares after you came to Konoha, Kaori.

Nothing's ever stopped this.

We'll talk about that dream of yours later. Someone's at the door. Take care of that first.

Loud sounds of door banging could be heard all over the apartment. I went to the door cautiously. No one knows my address except Hokage.

I opened the door placing my hand in my pocket for a kunai.

"Kaori, surprise!" I was left speechless as I blinked my eyes.

"Boruto, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to walk with you to the academy. Shikadai and Iwabe are waiting for us at the bridge." He was flashing his famous idiotic grin at me. I sighed looking at him.


"Wait, who's that?" He asked trying to look behind my shoulders.

"It's Tadeo." He came out in the living room right after hearing his name. He ran around me barking and wiggling his tail.

"He's so cute, Kaori. Hey, buddy..." He sat on the ground trying to play with Tadeo.

"How did you know my address?"

"Asked my dad."

"Don't break anything. I will get ready quickly." I warned him with a pointed look. Nothing. No response. He was busy playing with Tadeo.

Kaori and Boruto were walking towards the academy along with Shikadai and Iwabe. Everyone was engaged in some sort of conversation except Kaori. She seemed to indulged in her own thoughts about her dream today. She felt as if she had already gone through that situation. She was taken out of her pool of thoughts when Boruto suddenly held her waist in his arms and jumped.

"Huh?" Her face held a look of surprise. She hastily looked around her surrounding.

"That was close. Where were you looking at, Kaori?" Boruto asked her with an annoyed face. A guy with brown hair was shooting flames around everywhere.

"People has been going on a rampage a lot recently, what a drag." Shikadai said sighing.

"Who is that guy? He kinda reminds me of you Iwabe." Boruto snickered teasing his tall friend.

"Cmon don't lump me in with him."

"Well, look who it is, if isn't the tough guy, Iwabe. I heard you lost a fight to that punk and turned over a new leaf!" The brown haired guy said pointing his finger at Iwabe.

"Leave him alone. The grown-ups will take care of him soon." Shikadai tried to interfere to stop their argument.

"Not if I do it first!" Boruto said, ignoring Shikadai. He then charged towards the guy. The guy shoot a fireball at Boruto but it got blocked by Iwabe's mud wall.

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