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Kaori POV

After a long journey I finally saw the high gates of Konoha. I showed the gate keepers my permission card which Mizukage-sama had prepared for me.

This one's going to be a long mission. What a pain in ass!

I looked around the village. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing. Children were running around, the adults seemed to be engaged in their own work. The scent of fresh air and leaves in overall hit my nostrils. It looked peaceful.

Why don't you leave that bastard and start a new life somewhere far away?

You know, I can't do that, Ryu..

It's not that you can't, it's just you don't want to. If you wanted to, I could help you, you know that. But you still refuse my help.

About Ryu

Ryu is the 11-tailed beast that lives inside her body. Ryu had only one host before Kaori which was Indra Otsutsuki.

(I know Indra Otsutsuki never had a tailed beast but I'm just adding it to the story.)

One day, Ryu sensed a very similar chakra to Indra Otsutsuki so he decided to check on it. He then saw a little girl getting kidnapped by a guy. He entered her body and protected her by attacking the guy.

Ryu is a dragon with one-tail. He can make tailed beast bombs bigger and more powerful than other tailed beasts. He genuinely cares for Kaori and insists her to leave Kara time to time but always fails miserably. He is hoping the best for her and is willing to do anything for her.

Back to the story

I went to the hokage's building after asking it's directions from some villagers. I was standing infront of the hokage's office after knocking for a few times. I heard a 'come in' so I went inside and saw a guy with terrible eyebags under his eyes. He had stacks of paper around his table.

''Umm, I have an appointment with hokage today." I said.

"I'm the hokage." The blonde haired guy chuckled.

I quickly bowed not to seem rude. "Sorry for my-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when he interrupted me saying "It's okay."

"I am Kaori, Hokage-sama." I said still bowing.

"Oh, your the one Mizukage was talking about. You can stop bowing now." he said.

"I am sorry about your past. But don't worry, you won't be treated like that in this village. Here's your apartment keys. You will start academy from tomorrow. So make sure you get all the things ready. Also if you need something, you can always come to me."

I thanked him and left for my apartment. I let out a tsk sound out of annoyance. Why is this apartment so hard to find?

You can just ask some locals here, Kaori.

A fate worse than death.

It just requires you talking with people. It's not that bad, girl. Ask that glasses girl.

"Um, excuse me, do you know where this apartment is?" I approached her.

"Oh yeah, its just down this road."  She said flashing a smile at me.

"Thank you so much." I didn't know what to do as a response to her smile so I just nodded at her.

"Are you new here?" I sighed. Now I have to talk more?

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