Pervy geezer

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"Sakura, show me the brat's dog."  Kakashi said to Sakura.

"Sure, Kakashi sensei."

"So, this is her dog?"

"Yeah, his name is Tadeo." The pink haired girl sighed looking at the said dog. She was worried for it's owner.

"Why is his leg bandaged, Sakura?"

"Sensei, as far as I know, when Kaori first brought him here, he had a fractured leg. We did a little surgery and he was completely fine after that."

"Sasuke won't come to see her off?" Naruto asked to Sakura and Kakashi just stood there waiting for her reply. "I think he'll definitely be there. He is somewhat interested in that kid." Sakura replied chuckling a bit.

"I'll leave now. It's almost time and I haven't packed yet." The remaining two people waved goodbye to their Sensei.

"So, he was a stray dog?" Naruto continued the conversation after his sensei left.

"She told me she bought him in a pet shop. There is one thing always going on my mind. Why would she buy a disabled dog anyway?"

"That's none of your business." The same cold, nonchalant voice spoke up before anyone could respond.

"Can't you be nice for sometime, Kaori? I thought we were on good terms now." Sakura looked at the little girl with a disappointed face.

Kaori's eyes widened for a second before they went normal. She hesitated before raising her hand from behind. Sakura and Naruto gasped when they saw a bouquet of flowers in her hands with a hint of blush in her face.

"For helping me out." she said hesitantly.

"You're so cute, Kaori." Sakura walked ahead to hug the girl but she backed away quickly.

"Not a hugger, alright." Sakura said trying to hide her disappointment.

Kaori walked towards Tadeo and started patting his head. "Hey, buddy, you'll be fine soon, I'll make sure of it. It's almost 4. I'll leave now."

"Wait, Kaori, we'll accompany you to the gate."  Sakura whispered to the girl.

"A-Actually, I think it's better if we go late anyways since, you know ----"  Naruto tried to warn everyone before he got shut off.

The two adults sweatdropped at the scene infront of them. Kaori was glaring ahead of her and Kakashi Hatake was late as usual.

"Where is that pervert sensei of yours?" The adults flinched when they heard the irritated and harsh tone of the raven haired girl.

"This is why I warned we should've gone late. Kakashi sensei is always late."

"Hehe, guys....." Everyone turned to the source of the sheepish sound. The white haired man was nervous from the glare the little girl had sent his way.

"A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way here." Kaori scoffed at the pathetic excuse.

"Sensei, your excuse has gotten old."

He sheepishly scratched his head when he turned around to face the little girl. "Why are you glaring at me, chibi?"

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust."


Kaori ignored him completely and started walking towards the gate.

"Sensei, nobody knows a lot about Kaori, so please keep an eye on her." Naruto whispered quietly to his sensei. He was quite worried about the raven haired girl. She was new to his village but he could somehow relate to that girl. He saw his own self in her sometimes. She held quite a place in his heart for some reason.

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