Chapter 4

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Hey lovelies ! Thanks a lot for your massive support ! Here goes the 4th chapter to MY FELICITATIONS! Orrrrrffff MF!

Princess Pearl William 
Kingdom Kayaasa

A Month Later ~

"No no ! This is wrong" the crowd shouted , even my ministers .

"Gentlemen please , quiet ! I'll listen to each and every one's problem!" I shouted , wanting to decrease the amount of silence which they all were creating .

"No! We don't want to take orders from an illiterate , pampered Princess like you! You aren't even crowned!" One shouted and the other shouted with all No's and Yes's .

I squinted my eyes , prevented the tears to fall , this month was so disturbing for me , after Father , the responsibility came up all over me , no one dared to listen my orders . King Alexander visited that day , to console me , even different King's and Queen's , my relatives to sympathise with me .

I was at least happy , that he didn't discuss the wedding or what father had planned because maybe he knew what I felt , what was my condition , the broken pieces of heart which couldn't be mend. And the time which couldn't be started all over again .

"Okay ! The higher caste will get more than of the lower. I'll try my best" I shouted . The crowd went silent .

" No ! His Majesty never would've done that , he was loyal , even to the lowers' "

I sighed , and there were shouts and screams again .

"Okay then as you say , there's no lower or higher , we all are the same , made of same !" I shouted back at them , just for a second I took a sigh of relief when there came a man running towards me , with a sword in his hand and shouting . I sucked in my breath and looked at my warriors for help , but they all were surrounded by the other people , weapons near their bodies , this was not okay . I had to dominate , not get dominated .

"Killing you is the easiest way , My Lady" he said and everyone laughed . I backed away , shaking my head .

"Then who will take care of the kingdom you idiots" I shouted . No words but laughs .

"We don't need anyone " they shouted , I bit my lower lip , turning and running away , stopping when I reached the end of the hall .

The man had a company of another , the two of them laughed . One of them came near me , smirking , he used his sword to touch my cheek , the cool metal leaving me shuddering , I clenched my jaw , pushing the man hard , making him fall , I grabbed his sword , smirking this time .

Lifting my head  , twisting the sword , I got positioned "A good warrior , fights against the odds and kills the wrong" I shouted , silencing the mammoth crowd . The man shouted and ran towards me , rolling my eyes I pierced the sword through his abdomen , making him fall down , captivatingly injured and me ready for more . The other too ran towards me with his sword , aiming at my throat , I raised my sword , making the metals strike each other with a loud noise . The man shouted again , I continued my defence and action . Preventing him to hit me , I used every skill I had learnt from my late master , ducking down , jumping , I again clashed his sword with mine , with a full force making him lose his grip on it and the sword finally falling down . My fight , motivated my warriors and soon after , I found us dominating . The people shouted , we fought . There was a lot of chaos .

I walked towards the man and he backed away "You have no right to harm your future Queen" I said , he laughed. "You think" he said , looking behind me , alarmed , I turned but was late "Your Highness!"  I heard when I fell down with a thud , with deep pain in my chest .


I woke up with pain , staring at my body , I realised that I had been hit by someone with a heavy object on my chest . It was a little difficult to breathe for me right now , suffocating . I finally looked up to see "King Alexander" I whispered .

He did not smile , did not scowl , just stared at me , shaking his head he called my maids and asked them to help me sit up . I was served with broth which I started sipping and he looked around . I looked at the maids , actioning them to leave us alone . I never had the time to admire him , his hair was long , reaching a little to his ears , dusty brown , his eyes were big enough to scare anybody , green like the sea with a tint of blue , dark , bushy brows , perfect for a man , quite tall enough , a faint brown colour skin . He had a little beard , not large enough to hide his face .

There was silence , time passed and awkwardness increased . Sitting in silence wasn't an option so I asked him what was bugging me since I saw him today "So , when did you arrive " I spoke up . He looked at me , replying "I was on the way to my estate when I realised we were passing by your Kingdom , so I thought if I could meet you . So when I entered the castle , I clearly saw something that I had least expected " he said and nodded .

I hummed "So what did you see?"

He huffed "You were being carried to your room , blood gushing out of your wound" he replied .

"Yeah , I just got lost while fight-"

"You fight? Oh please , I really did not see this coming again " he smirked .

"No I-"

"What ever , I just wanted you to know that you cannot keep yourself safe here so I pre-poned our wedding " he said , making me realise that he had not forgotten .

"It's next week" he said , making me gasp , "It's too early " I stated .

"So what , it's not that you mean to me or I would get affected , I just want this kingdom under my control soon , So I expect you to get ready and mend your stuff"

"You cannot just order me !" I shouted whilst he kept silent , raising his thick brow .

"This is my kingdom , my life , I will control both of them and would not get married to a person , a useless person like you !" I screamed . He looked at me harshly , nearing the comforter he said , "Nobody talks to me like that , I hope you know how to respect someone who is better off than you , I did not make a deal with your dead father to end it , I want this kingdom that is why I am marrying you , this is a Royal business , which you won't understand , it is better for you to listen to me because nobody would want to hurt their father by breaking his promise . Farewell " he said , walking out of my room . I did not have the time to react to anything he said , I kept silent .


#Tired !

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