Chapter 13

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@lightylou @1DloverForLife13 taylorfox01 esmeralik1D TysM u all .
Sorry , I've been busy a lot! My life has changed and all but I promise , frequent updates ..twice a week?

So I love everyone and even the new readers , hope u all stay with me with till the end . Vote , comment!

Chapter 13

Kingdom Jaraeb
Year 1500s

I took a bite of the bread , chewing it and playing with the rest's corners , looking up at the table , people sitting around it , the hall filled with whispers , people discussing things , the great amount of gathering making me puckish , suffocative , breathing in and out , I calmed my breath .

The fun made of me , a week back has made me realise that how good and contagious I be to King Ivan , he would complete his thanks with a cheery insult on the top of the cake.

Staying in the domus wasn't an option , but walking around with head of shame wasn't either , best way was walking out like you don't care , just keep to yourself , after all rumours don't fail to fly .

"King Alexander , the Alphians's have decided to break the rules , they've crossed the border which was against the agreement , killed our forces !" A young man , with dirty blonde hair said , in his hoarse voice . The crowd was now quiet , the whispers stopped .

"We should kill them too!" Other shouted , standing up from his seat.

"No , My King , killing them isn't an option , it's better we go and talk to Edmund , the Prince of Alphs " third ....

"No! We have to make them bear our needs!" The first one shouted , everyone hooted , some boo-ed , table was banged , chairs screeched , I knew what was going to happen , this happened always , discipline , which lacked in the ministers of Jaraeb , to which His Highness never agreed upon . He hated people breaking his rules . Sighing , I threw my fork aside , sitting back and enjoying the illustrative scene , smirking , I looked at the King , himself , who blew out air from his mouth , looking at me , I rolled my tongue inside my mouth , keeping it in , on the right side , controlling my laugh , looking around , he clenched his jaw , standing up from his chair , in a split second , he pushed it back , with a long lasting voice , echoing .

My happiness soon , changed to ..... excitement , show time , was it gentlemen .

The arguments soon dashed down , rising with anger , "Silence !" He shouted , no one dared to create a spell anymore , he took a deep breath , shoving his plate filled with food , down , shattering the luminous glass to thousands of pieces , again ..

"No set of troop is going there" he said , looking at each , I made an impressed look , raising my brows , looking at an old man , nodding at me , I did too , his expression and round spectacles made me laugh , I looked around , to see people with shocked faces and King with agony . That wasn't good ...

"Her , Majesty has made me realise that probably , as a King , I should take a look at the border myself , with some of my trusted ones and talk to Prince Edmund in private , she even , taught me to never listen to anyone , respect no other but oneself , isn't it , My Queen " he looked at me , raising his champagne glass , smirking , me gulping and sitting straight , nodded .

"Uh-of course , being the King , he should uh... work on his advice , gentlemen .." I said , standing up , fidgeting with my hands , chest arose , I walked across almost each .

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